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They rested the whole day, both are getting comfortable as his care was resembling her mom, but she can't forget his bad deeds and somewhere she knows that he is not a person of emotions, but he had some different things with Sana. He only smiles in front of her. They had dinner together and slept comfortably.

Next day,

Sid was fine perfectly. He left to his office and Sana was alone in the home while reading some articles and her books. He returned night around 7 as he entered their room and loosened his tie knot. He removed his accessories and left to get fresh. After a shower, he changed into his nightwear. while watching his reflection from the mirror, he started dressing his hair and his eyes fell on the dressing table where he found the diamond ring which he gave her forcibly on the day of the contract. He took the finger, pressing his fingers around it. He examined it for a while and placed it in his pocket and left down to have dinner. He received the food delivery and placed it on the dining table, and she walked down. They completed dinner with complete silence. After dinner, she is watching tv like a lord.

After an hour,

He lost his calm and walked to her with a cold look." let's get in, we should sleep!" He spoke.

"I'm not getting sleep, you go and sleep," she said without looking at him.

"I should talk with you!" he said, still maintaining calm.

"Talk now and sleep!" She said while enjoying her cartoon movie, which pissed him off that he turned off the tv.

"What the hell!" She shouted in anger.

"I will show both in a single hour. Come!" He scowled in frustration and carried her to his room on his shoulder.

"Leave me monster!" She shouted while hitting his shoulder to get free. He spanked her butt hard, making her calm. He carried her to his room and placed her on the bed.

"Don't you dare move!" He warned in a dangerous tone and walked back to lock the door. He came back and stood in front of her. She crawled back in nervousness as his face is emotionless.

"What was this?" He asked in a cold tone while gesturing her ring.

"It's your ring only!" She said with a mock.

"Oh, I see. Then what is this ring doing on the dressing table? Did I permit you to take it out!" He shouted loud enough, making her scare.

"I don't want your things!" She whispered stubbornly.

"But I want you to wear it and it's my first gift!" He told to her and crawled on the bed to grab her hand and place the ring.

"Can't you understand? I don't want it!" She shouted while pushing the ring aside. The ring fell from his hand on the floor, making him angrier. He got up from her and picked the ring and placed it back in his pocket and walked back to reach her. He pulled her ankle and with a single hand, he ripped off her shirt.

"I will kill you if you touch me!" She shouted in anger. He remembered her stamina of fighting and moved back.

"You will kill me, right!" He uttered with a smirk.

"Yeah!" she said, and he got up on her and pinned her both hands above her head, and with the help of his free hand, he unbuttoned her jeans and loosened it. In seconds, he took the ring from his pocket and moved his hand inside her along with the ring.

"What are you doing?" She screamed in anger as his finger entered her raw. He took out with hand and showed her an empty hand with an evil smirk.

"W... where is that ring!" She asked in horror.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now