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Sana pov,

"I'm so sorry Jay, because of my mistakes you're suffering, your own father is trying to harm you. I lied to this whole world about your origin, but only three people in this world know the truth behind your birth. I did a big mistake, I did a mistake trusting my love blindly, I loved a wrong person. Your dad don't love you nor me. He only loves himself. He only loves money. After knowing my place in his life decided to die, but later I found out about your existence in my womb. My dad is really a great man who supported me and stood even after knowing that his daughter is an unmarried pregnant and she is carrying a heartless monster's child. He accepted my flaws and faked this world. All seen me as successful love failure. I want you to have best future, best life. My flaws should never affect your life, but today again, again, because of me, you are in trouble again.


She was crying vigorously, falling down on the floor.

"Jayee! " She cried bitterly.

"Again! Again, he came to snatch my happiness, my life! How can he take away my Jay!" she cried louder. In meanwhile Sid reached her mansion and walked into her room. Her soaked eyes fell on him, which turned red in anger. She got up from the floor and slapped him hard on his right cheek.

"why? why again and again you're snatching my life, my peace. My baby" she cried. He pulled her on him in anger. she gasped in pain.

"Shut! First, shut all the crap!" He shouted in anger, making her gulp tears.

"Look at me!" He demanded, lifting her chin to face him.

"I know you did so much for me, and I know I can't live without you. I apologize for my late realization but seriously I need you" he said in a calm tone.

"But I don't need you anymore!" she shouted, pushing him away, but he held her tight and grabbed her tighter. She yelped by his tight grip.

"Leave me!" She cried, struggling to loosen his grip.

"Can't you understand that!" His words are interpreted by the feel of something touching soft on his leg. He left his grip by seeing Jay standing by holding his feet as support crying. Sana's eyes fell on Jay, who is standing beside them as she got down on her knees and held Sid's feet tight.

"Please! Don't do anything, he is little. He don't know you! please, don't hurt my baby!" she begged him in tears. Jay jumped to his mom, crying. She hugged him tight embracing him in her protective arms cried pouring out all the pain she got from the past 2hours. Sid walked out silently.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry my baby, your momma is so bad that she is unable to protect you!" she cried wiping off his tears.

"Soollly Momma! " He whispered, sobbing.

"Why?" she asked in surprise.

"You -- you-- are crying becauseee I took that giftt of Unclee. I will never take anything!" He pouted holding his little ears with his hands, apologizing his mom.

"It's ok, where he took you? Did he beat you?" She asked in a worried tone, checking his hands and legs.

"Noo Momma! I was sleepingggg underrrr bed" He said wiping her tears with his little hand.

"What!" She asked in disbelief.

"Haan, I II Gottt Sca--r-ed! Youuu , Nanny left mee " He sobbed remembering his mom shouting on him. It's first time he has seen her anger which scared the little soul. She hugged him, cuddling him on her heart.

"I'm sorry, I will never shout at you! I will never do " She cried like a baby. Jay has fallen asleep on her shoulder.

"I should do something, should save my Jay, why did Sid lie? Means he tried to take advantage of my situation again.

I Should do something to protect myself and my son. What is left in my life. He snatched my everything and today came back with a new drama of marriage! Why did he want to marry me? Why? What happened in his life that he separated from Sonia!

Sid pov,

"Something is looking fishy, why is she so scared!

Why is she thinking that I will harm her son!

What is my relationship with Jay?

Why I'm feeling so connected?

Why did she reject me?

Why? First I should find roots of Jay?

Why did she decide to get baby?

What happened in her life after our separation?

Why did she decide to stay single forever? "

All these questions are rolling in my head, making me restless.


After a while, he dialed someone on the phone and passed some instructions.

Next day,

Sid came to the office like nothing happened. He is so playful, which irked her. She lost her temper seeing his confidence. She grabbed her phone and dialed someone.

They are discussing the project plan when she heard a knocking sound.

"Come in," She said out.

"Hi, beautiful!" A young man walked in with a broad smile.

"Hi Dave, this is Sid Andrew and Mr. Andrew this is Dave " My fiance" and he will lead your project." She informed with a smile, but Sid jolted in shock hearing the word fiance.

"Hi Mr.Andrew " Dave greeted him, both had a formal handshake. Sid composed himself and glared at Sana.

"That's heaven, finally you accepted my proposal. You made me wait long, I was desperate for our wedding" He said with a flirting tone side hugging her. She blushed, which burned Sid to the core.

"excuse me!" He walked out fisting his hand controlling his anger. He walked out towards the restroom

"Fiance! How can she do it! Don't she love me! Where the hell this Dave came? " He shouted in frustration.

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