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After dinner, Alina came to meet Sana. Sid is busy feeding Jay and talking with Andhrew.

As she heard the doorbell, she wiped her tears and unlocked her door. She is shocked to see Alina standing emotionless. Sana gulped down for a second before seeing her.

"May I come in!" Alina asked her.

"Yes, come in," She said, guiding her inside. She sat on the couch and gestured her to sit on the front chair.

"I just came to talk about something important for you. May I?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes, sure" She replied, occupying the chair.

"I was very much impressed with your business skills. I look myself in you " She said with a smile.

"Thank you so much "

"Thanks to Sid he got perfect one. I thought Sonia is best for him, but he convinced explaining your importance to grow bigger. So, I think you should team up with my business." She suggested expressing her opinion.

"No, I think I want to grow better in my country. I know growing international increases earning but helping in the growth of my country is something important for me, I want to be in India." She told her decision frankly, which messed up Alina's ego. It reached like a no.

"Think of it Sana, the reason for this marriage is your participation in our business! I don't like you to deny my offer. And one more I accept your opinion of getting baby even I got a baby like that, but correction is I want my son as a father. The biological father of my upcoming legal heir. Think of this as my order." She left her room without listening to her decision.

Sid returned after a while, along with Jay. She lied on the bed; he thought, she is sleeping. He made Jay sleep between them. He has fallen asleep.

2.30 Am,

His sleep got disturbed because of some unusual vibes. He got up and noticed Sana missing on the bed. He got up and placed a pillow beside Jay and left to check on her. After crossing all joint rooms. He found her in the balcony watching the sky.

"Hush! You are here? At this time!" He asked in surprise. She wiped her tears after hearing his tone and turned to him.

"Are you alright?" He asked stepping closer, looking at her exhausted, pale face.

"Yeah!" She said rolling her eyes away.

"Anything bothering you here?" He asked with a worried tone. She nodded no.

"If I ask something, can you answer me the truth?" She asked in a hesitated tone.

"I never lie to you, and you knew it!"

"Why you married me? For Jay or to get profit using my mind! " He stumbled a step behind, hearing her question.

"Say, Sid! Why didn't you tell to your parents that Jay is your son? Why didn't you say to them that he is born to you out of your own flaws? Why can't you say them that you loved me and married me long ago? Why can't you say that Jay is not a stranger, it's your own blood?" She poured out all her questions with flooded tears.

"Sana! I will say to them when the time comes, " He tried to change the topic.

"When? And why not now" she snapped in tears, grabbing his collar.

"I don't know Sana! I don't know! I don't know how to say them. I planned to tell them after confessing you that day, but you left me. You destroyed our life with your single assumption, and I came to know about Jay only few months ago. How can I say all this to them?" He shouted at her.

"So, you can't say and don't want to say, is it?" She asked, pushing him away.

"Not like that " before he completes his words. She slapped him tightly.

"Again, you trapped me! Again! Again and again, you did the same! You are just rich worthless person. You just can't accept your flaws and allowing everyone to point out my baby. He has everyone, I'm going Sid. Please don't return again." She scowled in tears and started to walk away.

"Nooo! You can't do it always. He is my son!" He said holding her hand.

"Then me?" She asked, looking into his eyes. He remained quiet for a while.

"You married me as a deal right! Used my body once, now wanted my brain" She asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Stop blaming me always! We both enjoyed, and you left me because of a misunderstanding. I accept I did some mistakes, but you came on my bed with all your will and consent. I forced you to stay with me but never forced you to sleep with me and I gave you a chance to leave me, but you didn't do it. Why you always portraying me as bad?" He shouted, outpouring his anger on her. She remained broken after hearing him. The whole three years of life revolved in her mind. She just ran out in tears.

He left to the drawing-room in anger. He opened  his big cupboards which he filled with memories since childhood which calmed his anger. As he is surfing the shelves, he found out his white shirt which is worn by her. A smile captured his face by memories. His smile vanished when he found her locked diary.

"It's been years, I still respect your privacy, and I never opened it till the date, but you never respected me. Always treated me like a cheater! He got a knife and tore out the lock of the diary. He sat on his beanbag and started reading it.

She came back to the room and ran inside the bathroom and cried muffling her mouth to stop her cries reach her son who is sleeping peacefully in the room.

"I messed out my life with my hands. He don't want me! He don't love me! I don't deserve to be in his life!" She cried hugging her knees collapsing in the bathtub under the shower.

Morning 7,

The diary from his hand dropped down from his hand after completing reading the last noted page, i.e. the last night in his mansion. He is totally broken after finding her feelings for him. He felt worst on himself after knowing the reason why she accepted to be with him?

"I will do anything to make you happy Jay because I love you, My Jay!" She wrote before getting in bed with him that night.

And ended on a note

"You never loved me, your meant for someone else. Goodbye My first and Last love"

"I did a big mistake. I really did a big sin!" Finally, he realized his flaws. Is it too late? He left the diary and ran to his room in tears. He opened the door with a bang, but the scenario shocked him.

He saw Jay crying out Mommaaa " As he ran in and searched for Sana and found out that she is missing.

'Jay where is Momma! Where is momma?" Sid asked in worry.

"Mommaaaaa don'ttt kn..m.ww" He said sobbing. He took Jay in his arms and he felt a paper in the pocket of Jay Night Shirt, which is rolled like a pipe.

It's a letter!

The grip on that letter loosened as the content in it frozen him, making the paper fly away from his hands.

"You Can't Do It, Sana!" He murmured as lonely tears flipped down his cheeks.

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