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He claimed her lips again, caged her in a hungry kiss, which shocked her. She hit him with her tiny little hands, but he is strong. He pinned her hand to her back and kissed her while nipping her already sensitive lips. She responded at her level best. He pressed her waist in his palm.

"Um! Ahh!" She moaned in his kiss. She was panting for air, but he was not in a mood to leave her. He kissed her furiously, and she almost lost her oxygen, making her exhaust totally.

"Should I leave!" He asked with a smirk after breaking the kiss while breathing hard. She kicked him hard and with a jerk, he fell aside on the bed.

"Such a bastard!" She scowled while getting up from the bed.

"Hold your words or else!" He echoed in a dominating tone while standing back in front of her.

"Or else I will cut your part!" She shouted in anger. Her sudden gesture shocked him. He got scared for a second.

He pulled her close, and she pushed her back when she fell apart and his guard fallen down from the side table.

"What was this!" She asked while holding the guard.

"Um, Actual that only saved me today from dying!" he said while blushing.

"Are you blushing!" She asked him doubtfully. He nodded yes while drawing patterns on the floor. Like a girl.

"What! Are you gone mad! What is this!" she scowled in angry.

"It's used by me, I got doubt about you. So, for safety I took precaution, and it saved me," He whispered with a smirk.

"You cheater!" She shouted while throwing that guard on him. He kept it safe in the cupboard and came running to catch her.

"Baby! This all a part of the game!" He shouted while running behind her.

"Game! Your dead today, come!" She screamed in anger and turned towards him and started throwing all the things on him and he started saving himself by catching them. At last, she smashed the bed lamp on him, and it hit his head, making him scream.

"Sorry! stop!" He shouted in pain.

Who is fighting with whom just a day ago she is totally crying, and he is totally like a devil and now both are fighting, she is on the charge that he apologized to her unknowingly?

"If you want to be alive, get out from here!" She shouted in angry.

"We are playing the game, right!" He chuckled in a teasing tone. It's enough to provoke her totally that she lost her calm totally. She took the vase beside her and lifted it to hit him, and he started running to save himself.

"Baby, that's so costly, $500!" He shouted to save himself.

"Yes, just like your disgusting head costly!" She scowled while chasing him with the vase in her hand.

As they ran the whole mansion while messing it totally and she was totally tired totally.

Both reached the poolside. She took little steps and halted herself and sat on the pool chair. He approached her from the back and shouted in her ear," Sana!" She got scared suddenly and got away from her place, which made her fallen in the swimming pool.

"Oh, no!" She screamed in horror, but in no time he jumped inside to protect her. She pushed him back in anger.

"You will sink like titanic if leave now!" He warned her.

"So, you will save me," She asked with a grin.

"In any movie, only the hero saves heroin!" He chuckled with a smirk.

"First, you're not any hero, you're a big villain! second, I don't need your stupid help! I know you well on the name of help you will touch me again. Even I watched some movies and for your kind information I know swimming!" She said in a rude tone. Yet he loved that she had divine into the water and got out of the pool. Sid followed her and he got seated in the pool chair just to eye her treasure with his dirty mind. His eyes started getting in to watch her wet t-shirt and jeans, which are perfectly stick to her figure.

Being unaware of this, she walked towards his side to grab a towel and get back to the room. He pulled her back on his lap with a sudden force as she jolted back.

"Statue! If you struggle I will rip these clothes and then you should reach your room in just a towel," he whispered in her ears. She gulped down her words and got calm, but her mind started working now. He leaned a little to remove her wet hair and rolled her shirt down her shoulder just to plant a kiss on her. He sucked down the drops of water and pressed her upon him by her waist.

"One day, I will mark your every inch red with my love bites!" He whispered in a husky tone and gave a small bite on her milky shoulders.

"That hurts!" She winced in pain.

"It's tiny in front of desires for you!" he smirked.

"I want to get changed, please leave," She said in a low convincing tone.

"Wah! You learned so fast!" He chuckled playfully while interlocked his hand with hers. She was silent for a while.

"will you dry my hair! Then I will think about leaving!" He asked with a naughty smile.

"Doing his work is better than this torture!" She thought herself and nodded 'yes'" She got up from his lap, but he pulled her back.

"I want you to sit here like this and dry my hair," He said like a stubborn kid.

"Dryer is in the room!"

"Dry with a towel! Or else we can have a shower together and then dry ourselves!" He asked in a seducing tone.

"No way!" She shouted while getting up from him. He pulled her back and now she is sitting on his left leg.

"If you again move, you may get 10 hard barely," He warned in an evil tone.

She gulped lumps in fear.

"I... I" She tried to explain him, but it scares her.


"I — I" she stammered

"you can talk anything but stay here, I don't like you being away." He confessed with a smile.

"I can't reach your height if I sit here!" She said while biting her lip.

"Oh! You had a problem to be considered, hmm! What shall I do now" He questioned her back and started thinking like some expert. He started looking up with his hand on his chin. She was observing him.

"I had a better idea, you can stand in between my leg!" He said and made her stand and he crawled front to get her closer like his face reached her assets. He forwarded a towel.

"Come, do it!" He gestured her while pulling her closer. Sweat started forming on her forehead because of his closeness. She can feel his fiery breath on her tummy.

She felt he is staring at her waist, so she covered his face totally and started drying his hair.

"Enough! Remove that towel from my face, I will die you now!" He said with a teasing tone. She felt like some volcano broke out. She was about to run, but he held her.

"Don't move, I want to dry you right, I don't like taking help!"

"I'm not going, this towel is wet so I'm going to get a new one!" She tried to make an excuse.

"I'm feeling so thirst, I want to drink! So, I can dry you with my lips!" He said while pulling her closer. He rolled her shirt upwards from her waist. His lips brushed her naval, making her tickle and giggle. He sucked off the water drops, making her moan in pleasure.

"Leave!" She tried to get rid of feelings that her body likes, but her mind is not supporting.

"I can't get enough of you and you're enjoying it, no need to be shy!" He whispered while kissing her waist. She fisted his hair with immense pleasure. His skillful pleasuring torture took him to another world.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now