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Sid pov,

I started drinking, but nothing getting in. I emptied 2 scotch bottles but still, I'm unable to control my mind thinking the thoughts of her. I'm in pain! It's unbearable.

I should have stopped that day from leaving me!

I should have realized this before! I lost my life in my own hands. Today I stood like a loser, and she stood like a winner infront of this world. The Great Sana Miller!

Wait for a second, Sana Miller?

How can she be Miller after marriage? I think it's Sana Kay.

Whatever! She had a baby, and she moved on!

I cried on my fate.


As he got totally drunk and walked out of the bar unstable. He got in his car and started driving back to the hotel. Being drunk, his vision buffered suddenly a dog came on the road and he took a sudden turn lead him into a tree. He fainted as his head got injured by the steering wheel and being drunk made him lose his sense.

"Drunk and Drive is injurious not only for driver but also for others"

Next morning,

Sid opened his eyes, and he moaned in pain as his hangover reduced. By hearing him a man of '20s came in with a smile.

"You---?" Sid uttered in disbelief.

"yeah, sir! "

"How I came here, Kay?" He asked while sitting on the bed.

"Sir, yesterday while returning from a movie. I have seen your accident, so I got you to my home and completed your treatment." He said with a smile.

"His wife wounded my heart, and her husband came to apply ointment!" He cursed his fate.

"What happened, sir?" He asked in confusion.

"Nothing, thanks, Kay. I will take a leave" Sid said getting up from the bed and he fell back, holding his head in the pain of hangover and injury.

"Sir, you are not alright! You need to rest" Kay said in a convincing tone. He gave him lemonade and tablets. Sid fell back asleep. He woke up in the afternoon as his sleep was disturbed by feeling little weight on his hand. He rubbed his eyes to see the same little boy trying to climb bed by taking his hand as support. He lifted him with his single hand and now he is sitting on Sid's tummy giggling in joy clapping his hands at that victory.

"U... Uncle..." He yelled with excitement.

"Hey, Spiderman!" He chuckled with a smile.

"So he is Sana's baby" he murmured in mind.

"Youuuu Wateh Spidarrrman!" He asked with excitement.

"Not now. I watched when I'm small like you," Sid said, tickling him. Both are giggling in bed when Kay entered, searching for him.

"JAY!" Kay yelled in a strict tone. Sid sat on the bed, holding Jay in his hand.

"Sorry Sir, he disturbed your sleep! I forgot to close your door." Kay apologized to him.

"No, he is super good, and we got friends too... What say, spiderman!" Sid Nuzzled his nose with Jay. He giggled out with joy, which shocked Kay. Jay was so comfortable with the first meeting itself.

"Sir, please get fresh. We can have lunch" Kay said, taking Jay in his hands. Sid found a pair of new clothes on the bed. He had a shower and walked down.

"Hi sir, how are you feeling now?" Kay asked with a smile.

"Very better. Thanks, Kay!" Sid said.

"I just came to know about you sir, let's have lunch," Kay told him, but he denied.

"It's ok Kay. I will take leave!" His sentence remained incomplete when he has seen a girl came running while searching for something"

"Hey, Ana! Come here!" Kay called her and she came with a smile.

"Sir, this is Ana. My beautiful wife," he introduced Sid.

"Your wife!" Sid asked in shock.

"Yeah! My wife" Kay confirmed.

"What are you searching for, Ana?" kay asked.

"What I will search! Our little dragon Jay" meanwhile Jay came crawling under the table. His laugh grabbed the attention from all.

Kay laughed, seeing Jay naughtiness. Sid felt relieved, thinking Sana is not married and Jay is Kay and Ana's baby.

"You got such a naughty baby!" Sid complimented them.

"Haha, he is not our baby. That museum piece is Sana's Son!" Kay chuckled with a smile.

"What!" Sid scowled in horror.

"What happened, sir?" Kay asked in confusion.

"Sana had a baby?" Sid asked to clear his doubt.

"Yes, of course. This Jay is her baby!" Kay concluded.

"Who is the father of this baby? I mean, whom she married?" Sid asked.

"She didn't marry anyone and don't want to marry also. She got this baby by surrogacy to heal her loneliness." Kay said with a heavy heart.

"What! But she said, she had a boyfriend and going to marry him." Sid asked in shock.

"Yes, she told me same in London but after coming to India she changed a lot. Not that past Sana anymore, her heart has been broken and now her life is only that office and Jay. From last month ana is free, so she is spending her time with Jay along with the caretaker " He confessed everything to Sid making him freeze.

Sid pov,

Means it's all a lie!

She didn't move on! She loved me! She loved me, but I have broken her heart thinking about Sonia. I should get her back.

I should correct my life.

I want her in my life; she is my life!


"Sir! Shall we have lunch?" Kay asked with a smile.

"You can call me Sid! I'm not your sir anymore" Sid smiled.

All had lunch. Sid had a great time with Jay. Both bonded so tight that he forgot to notice time which surprised both Ana and Kay. Sid is waiting to meet Sana, who will come to pick Jay, but it's late today.

Ana feed dinner to Jay. She tried to make him sleep, but he started missing his mom and started crying.

"Mommaaaa!" Jay cried louder, which pierced his heart. He didn't like kids but now he is feeling so much attached to a kid whom he met a day before. Sid came towards Ana and took Jay in his embrace. He stopped crying gradually, which shocked all along with Sid himself. Sid gently tabbed his back, making him sleep on his shoulder. He fell asleep in his warm embrace.

Around 9 Sana came from her office to pick Jay. She is shocked to see Sid with a bandage around his head. She ran towards him, but her legs rooted, realizing her past. Her eyes fell on Jay, who is sleeping on Sid's shoulder. She ran towards him and grabbed Jay from Sid. Jay is holding his collar tight in his little hands. She removed his grip forcibly.

"He is my son, don't you dare snatch my little world!" She said in tears and left the place, ignoring Kay and Ana by leaving Sid in pain.

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