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She rushed back to her room. She helped him get up from the glass pieces few pieces struck in his skin. He tried to remove his shirt, but his wounded hand is not supporting. She tried to help him. He yanked her hands away from him.

"Don't!" He shouted, moving away. She pulled him back and gave him a tight slap.

"Just enough, stay!" she shouted in anger and pushed his hands aside and unbuttoned his shirt and removed it from him causing him yelp in pain. She removed glass pieces which dig into his skin.

"Ahhh!" He screamed in pain as she removed the big last piece from his body.

"I'm sorry!" She blew some air to reduce his pain a little.

"Lie on the bed I will get first aid box," She told him.

"First clean this room!" He said in his painful tone.

′Ok, I will call a maid, you just lie down" She told him. He obeyed and lied flat on his stomach on the bedside. She called her servants, and they cleaned it. She cleaned his wound surrounding with hot water to prevent any infection. In meanwhile the doctor came in. She is shocked to see his wounds spread all over his back.

"How this happened?" Doctor asked in horror.

"Actually!" Sana tried to explain.

"It's accidental, complete your treatment," Sid said in a low painful tone.

The doctor started cleaning his wounds with cotton. Sid was in too much pain, his gripped on sheet tight in his fist. She moved to him and took his head in her lap crying. He wrapped his hands around her waist in pain.

"It will be over soon!" She whispered caressing his hair gently making him comfortable. The doctor completed her treatment and applied ointment on his wounds and gave him an injection.

"It's over" She informed getting them back to reality. Sana parted away from him.

"Doctor! his hand also got injured," She told her. Dad did first aid and tied a bandage on his bleeding hand.

"Mr.? Mrs. Sana!" The doctor called out, unable to trace their relation.

"Mrs. Andrew, he is my husband!" She said out for the first time, which makes him get up with a jerk.

"That's so great to hear. I'm very happy for you both! But you both should be careful it may be an accident, but the wounds are too high. Never do this type of stunts and Sana it seems like you got a husband just like you exactly 2years ago I treated your hand for this same reason and today your husband! Be careful guys you had a baby and you both had a bright future." The doctor told her opinion and left the mansion giving her prescription and tablets.

She gave him tablets. He fell asleep because of pain killers. She walked out and seen Miller standing in the balcony for her.

"What happened?" He asked, seeking an answer.

"Jay?" She asked a counter-question.

"He is sleeping. Say what happened? At least now stop hiding!" He asked like a strict father.

"He knows that Jay is his baby, and I misunderstood that he left me, but he never wanted to do so... We both constructed a big wall of misunderstandings. I got pain and gave him pain. I thought he is separating me from Jay, but he once tried to sacrifice his life to save me from bullets and today he lied on glass pieces to save Jay. I should have once talked before deciding of walking out!" She cried, hugging her dad.

"It's ok, everything is fine. You got married to him. Jay got his Father, and you got the one you loved. Don't cry now! Just talk and solve. You both did mistakes taking decisions in hurry thinking single-dimensional. At least now try to sort them together." Her dad explained, making her calm.

"Ok, take care of Jay. I will talk morning" She said breaking her hug.

"Goodnight! Take care of him." He said kissing her forehead. She left back to her room. She adjusted temperature and took ointment and applied it once again. She lied down beside him, thinking about past. After an hour he turned to sleep on his back in sleep. When he was about to flip on his back, she pulled him back which made him fall on her pressing all his weight. She wrapped her hand around his head and tried to adjust his weight on her. His hot breath is touching her curves under her shirt, making her gems harden.

"Goddd!" She thought in mind as his lips brushed on her assets in his deep sleep. She got up a little and tried to pull herself away but accidentally her hand touched his wound causing him pain. He unknownly bitten her Gem in between his yelp in pain.

Making her scream in pain. She muffled her mouth, pressing her palm. She tried to calm down her fastened heartbeat, which increased by his notorious bite. His teeth left the grip and lips parted away slowly as he fell back sleepy. She grabbed the soft bed sheet near her bed lamp and placed it on her, and she pulled him back on her. She remained sleepless till morning by applying ointment repeatedly by morning she slept wrapping her hands around his head as he snuggled his face in her cleavage. He woke up in morning and felt something soft under him. He moved his head, which disturbed her sleep. He got up with a jerk, realizing the fact that he is sleeping on her.

"I... I" He tried to collect few words. She just wants to evident embarrassment between them. His eyes fell on her shirt, which is totally unstable by his sleepy touch.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked in concern, diverting the topic.

"It's none of your concern," He said getting off the bed. He walked to the washroom ignoring his pain. In anger, he forgot to lock the door. He went in and turned on the shower to calm down himself. As the cold water flowed on his back he screamed out in pain which echoed the whole mansion. She rushed inside the bathroom without having any second thought. He is standing under the shower on his wet night pant. He was shocking seeing her.

"Why the hell you came? Don't I have freedom in the bathroom too!" He shouted.

"Stop arguing, let me help you!" She said in a calm tone.

"No way, I can't let you touch me. My dignity!" He shouted covering his front crossing his hands.

"What!" She asked in disbelief.

"What? Even we boys have it. It's precious for us. Already you took once and stolen my son. I can't risk myself again."

"Shut up! One more word I will stuff this soap in your mouth." She snapped in anger and helped him in the shower carefully.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now