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she is a total pain with 3 and crying badly.

"Did you learned!" He asked in a haughty tone while sitting beside the bed.

"You're disgusting!" she cried in anger. His anger reached a height.

"Yes! I'm disgusting because I gave you everything but didn't take your virginity. I will take that now and then. You will never think of other men." He shouted in anger and torn out his shirt and hovered over her like a hungry lion.

Before she realizes she is lying under his mercy, and he is kissing her neck. She struggled to get her hands free, but they were tied strong. His hands shamelessly roamed on her curves while kneeling them hard, which made her scream in pain as well as some unknown pleasure. He replaced his hands with his lips. He started wetting her shirt with his open mouth, kisses all over her curves. He has bitten her there, making her scream.

"Leave me!" She pleaded.

"Tell me, you're sorry! Tell me your mine!" He demanded while worshipping her waist with his fingers.

"I'm not any property!" She cried.

"You're my property and every inch of you are mine, only mine!" He shouted and gave a hard bite on her waist, making her bleed.

She screamed in pain. He unbuckled her belt in a swing moment.

"Tonight, going to be painful for you and pleasurable for me!" He whispered in a husky tone while unbuttoning her jeans.

"Leave me! Please!" she pleaded in tears.

"Why should I!" He roared with a smirk.

"I'm sorry, please stop! Please don't do this!" She cried miserably.

"Will you get on your knees and say same!" He demanded.

"No!" She shouted.

"What is more important, your ego, or your dignity?" He questioned with a smirk.

"It's self-respect and both are important for me!" she said.

"But you should leave one today, accept your defeat and seek my forgiveness, or else tonight is our first time." He said with a smirk.

"Please, stop this! I will do anything but not these two!" She cried.

"Really! Will you again oppose me?" He demanded. She nodded no.

"Answer in words!"

"No! I will do anything but not this!" She confessed in tears.

"No crying!" He said while untying her hands. She caressed her wrist and wiped her tears.

"Stand on your feet!" he ordered. She got up and stood while buttoning back her jeans.

"Did I say you to do it!" He shouted, making her shiver in fear.

"Remove that baby! I want it to be as I made it, or else I will make it worst!" He warned in a dangerous tone.

She gave him an angry glare.

"You promised to do anything I say if I stop this!" He chuckled in a teasing tone.

"Not this!" She shouted in anger.

"Don't dare raise your voice, come here, baby!" He said while gesturing his hand towards her. She walked towards him. He pulled her on his laps.

"I hate it when you show disrespect towards me! Will you learn to respect me!" He asked while caressing her waist.

"Your begging respect!" She mocked him.

"Just a minute back. You begged me for mercy. Don't you!" He smirked and pulled her shirt away and caressed her belt wounded shoulder, making her scream in pain.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now