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Sana pov,

Did I really make him jealous? Why did he stop in the car? Did I hurt him?

Is he furious?

What is he going to do tonight?

At first where is lost my dominating Devil?

Without love, can anyone feel jealous?

Did He felt the same what I felt seeing him with Sonia?

As far as I heard, jealous is the signal of love. Does he love me too?

Did he realize his love for me?

Oh God, tell me! God please one good news that he loves me please good!

My thoughts are disturbed by his voice.

"Did I said you to dress up?" He said in a cold tone. His tone scares me more.

"Hmm, just.." I tried to collect few words, but he shouted out, "Stand up!" I have seen him in for a second, but he again shouted

"Can't you hear? Standup!" He scowled, making me scared. I jumped out of bed and stood on my feet. He locked the door and got settled on the sofa like a king, leg on leg in front of me.

"Remove that shirt!" He demanded I stared in horror for a second. Why he is behaving so dominating.

"Will you remove, or shall I rip it?" He scowled out, making me shiver. I moved my hands and unbuttoned one by one. He is enjoying my nervousness. Is he doing with all plan? Come on, Sana! It's not the first time he has seen you totally. Be brave and bold. I gained some courage and removed my shirt and held it in my front, covering myself.

"Fold it, baby!" He said in a seducing tone with a smirk. I folded the shirt as much as possible for me and held it in my hands.

"Get me it please" He demanded. I took baby steps to reach him. It's seriously so bad of me I'm unable to merge with this present situation.

"Wait for a second, why should I get punished!" why should I get punished? This person deserves more.

"Why are you punishing me?" I asked, stepping near to him. He glared at me for a second.

"Don't you know?" He asked with a smirk.

"No! but if you are punishing me, you too deserve something big than me," I choked out gaining some courage. He pulled me on his lap and grabbed that shirt from me.

"Why I'm punishing you?" He asked in a cold whispering tone, squeezing my thighs.

"Maybe because I danced with Kay!" I whispered under my breath.

"No!" He whispered in a cold tone.

"Then?" I asked innocently. He scooped me into his arms and carried me up to the bed and placed me gently on the bed.

"Because you had violated one of the major rule of our contract" He confessed with a smirk.


"No hiding rule! We both took a vow that we both will express anything inside our mind to each other, but you!" He paused, glaring at me. Yeah, I forgot that I had that freedom to express him anything, but I didn't say thinking of his reaction.

"I'm sorry! That I failed to make you comfortable" He said sitting beside me with a sad expression that pierced my heart.

"No Sid! I just thought it's not a big matter to talk," I said caressing his back.

"Really! Means I made you comfortable?" He asked with excitement.

"Yes always! Come now, I'm happy to take any punishment from you" I said giggling while raising my hand inviting him. He grabbed me back on his lap while locking me in a seduce kiss.

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