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"If you don't shut your mouth now, I going to complete my fantasy here!" He snapped in anger while pinning her back to his desk.

"What fantasy!" she asked with dangerous innocence.

"A fantasy to make you as my secretary and make out on this desk!" he whispered in a husky tone while brushing his lips on her ear.

"I don't want to be your secretary!" she shouted like a kid.

"Oh, so you like making out then!" he chuckled playfully.

"Shut up! If you have any fantasy, go sleep with your secretary, not me!" she shouted while pushing him back.

Soon they heard a knock, it's his pa.

"You still want me to try!" He whispered in her ears. She widened her eyes in shock, looking at the person near the door.

"Aman!" She murmured herself.

"Sir, you have a meeting to attend in an hour," He said while checking the schedule, but soon his eyes fell on Sana.

"Cutie!" He almost yelled with joy.

"How are you, Aman!" Sana asked with a smile.

"Superfine! What you're doing here?" He asked. His question got her back to the reality of Sid's presence in her life. Sid stepped ahead to reach her. But Sana got scared by remembering last night's fight.

"Sid, he is like my brother!" She shouted in nervousness.

"Brother! You don't have any cousin's right!" Sid asked doubtfully.

"Sir, I was the son of her father's car driver! Her father helped me to study. It's her humble heart to see me as a brother." Aman replied with a hearty smile. Sid forced a smile.

"What you are doing here, Sana?" Aman asked again.

"She is my wife, Mrs. Sid Andrew!" Sid said in a dominating tone. Sana got scared by listening to this.

"Sid don't say this. My dad will know all," She pleaded in a low tone.

"Sorry, sir!" Aman said.

"You can leave!" Sid ordered, and Aman left.

"Sid, please, give a minute!" She pleaded him.


"I will say but please give me a minute!" she said while running out of the cabin she saw Aman in the adjoint cabin. She entered his cabin.

"Sana! Sorry Mam" He said while getting up from his chair.

"I'm Sana only. Please don't mind his behavior. I'm sorry on behalf of him." She apologized.

"I know Sid sir from the past 3years. He is the same, but when you got married? Dad didn't even say a word about it!" He asked being confused.

"No, we didn't get married. He is my boyfriend, and my dad doesn't know it and you too don't say," She sighed.

"you're loving Sid sir and he is loving you! That's unbelievable!" He complimented her.

"Who will love a monster! All my fate!" She murmured in a low tone.

"What!" Aman asked.

"Nothing! Just plan of destiny" she said while cursing her fate inside.

"You know, sir, never see girls. He maintains a long distance from girls and its first time we saw him with a girl, and he is lucky to get you." He concluded, but little did he know that Sid is destroying her life for his lust.

"Hmm! But don't say anyone about this matter," She said before leaving.

Sid's cabin,

As Sana entered, Sid closed his laptop and called her.

"Come here and sit!" He ordered while gesturing his lap. She walked up to him without argument.

"Did you confess our dirty little secret to your so-called brother!" He asked while pulling her closer on him.

"No, I said we are in a relationship." She mumbled.

"That's good! But what you and your dad got by wasting money on low-class people? If they all start earning high, they will be equal to us and who will do our works then!" He questioned her.

"We all are human. My dad never told me about class range. With all blessings today my dad was rich, and my dad likes helping others, unlike some rich spoiled brats!" she taunted him indirectly.

"Oh, what you got by wasting all money?" he asked her in a serious tone.

"You want to know, ok listen! If I die this second, I have at least 100 persons to cry for me. They feel the emptiness. But did you have at least one to cry? Frankly, if you die your parents may cry, but rest of all will be happy, including me!" she spoke out fearlessly.

"You feel happy if I die!" He asked again.

She nodded yes.

"Such an evil girl! I will die one day, but not before completing my desire to have you. Give me that, I will die as you want!" He whispered in her ear.

"Will you die really!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, will you show me heaven!" He chuckled excitedly.

"What you get by all this? It's just attraction, your waste our both lives by forcing me in this" She tried to make him understand. He made her stand and got up from his chair. He placed her on his desk.

"Do you miss your dad in these two years?" He asked.

"So much! Felt like crying at starting days, Even now I want my dad to be with me." She whispered in tears.

"Same goes with me. I never missed anyone in my life. My world stopped with you. I got mad when you went missing. You felt you want your dad, and I felt I want you! We both are same." He concluded.

"My dad never forces things on me like you do!" She snapped out.

"I have my dreams to be the world's richest man and you had your dreams. I don't want to mess your life or mine. Just give me what I want, and this world will be yours."

"You're forcing me. It's called Rape!"

"Oh really, but why you're responding and hiding the same from me? What is fake here is your mind or your body! Haven't you felt the growing wetness when I touched you? Haven't you moaned for my love bites." He growled with an intense eye lock.

She shivered in her place. Few beads of sweat started forming on her forehead.

"My closeness is affecting you so much in this 21°c Closed room." He smirked while wiping out her sweat. She tried to collect a few words to handle the situation.

"I want you, Give me a chance. We both can enjoy it!" He tried to make her accept.

"What about the future? How can I lie, my husband!"

"Offo! Sana because you're on 18′ we are in the '20s and now all are having a relationship before marriage, and we are going same. It's called live in relationship. And trust me, I promise I will get you the best rich man and you can get married and stay happy." He assured her.

"I don't want rich, I want good. He should see me as I was." She said with a pout.

"Ok, will get you. Now, will you cooperate!"

"Hmm! Will try but--"

"But?? Ok, you take time, say your decision by tomorrow morning! And remember your answer may be yes or no, but my decision remains the same. You are mine," he said in a possessive tone.

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