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Next Morning,

Sana Pov,

Did he really expect all this from me?

How can he think so low about his student? I'm his students, dammit!

But I can't fail in my exams, I will lose my career, my dreams, my life.

How can I face my failure?

I can't accept his demands and kill myself. I should be strong, it's better I should complain to the headmaster.


Next day school,

She left to meet the headmaster's office.

"Sir, I want to talk something personal!" she whispered in a scary tone.

"Have your seat, Sana!" the headmaster said with a friendly smile.

"Sir, our maths professor is not a good person" She whispered while holding her tears.

He understood the meaning of her words.

"He is behaving so bad... "

Before she complete, Sid entered with a devilish smirk.

"Good morning, sir!" He wished with an evil smirk while staring Sana.

"Good, good morning, Mr. Andrew," the headmaster said while lowering his eyes.

"I think the discussion is about me, we can sort it personally, Sana in my cabin private!" he whispered in a husky tone.

"Is it alright, Mr. David? " He pressed each word to the headmaster.

"yes, yes! I think you should explain Mr.Andrew about this!' principal whimpered in a fearful tone.

She nodded obediently, understanding the truth. He guided her out of the office towards his cabin by opening the door for her.

"There is no use of complaining, you should obey me at any cost. Just be ready to be mine," he whispered in her ear while caressing her shoulder sensually. She pushed him back and ran away with tears.

"Now you can run, but at night I will hold you tight, my baby!" He muttered with a grin.

Sid pov,


I was waiting badly for her, but she is late.

Where would she go so long? I kept on roaming here and there in the living room and there she entered like a scared kitten. I wanted to pin her on the wall and kiss the hell out of her. When I took a step forward, she shouted out "aunty! " And her maid came running. She took her bag.

"please get me coffee to my room," she told her and left to her room by ignoring me.

She will pay for every second of this.

It's totally hard to wait, it's almost 12. I left towards her room and pepped my ear to hear any noise from her, and sobbing sound caught my ear.

Oh, God! What the hell is wrong with her, why she is crying like this? I just asked a small favor, and she is making it a big scene. Just a night. What a big deal in that!

I knocked on the door. She may be sniffed her mouth to control her sounds.

"Baby, please open the door!" I shouted while banging on the door. She didn't reply, which freaked me up.

I banged one more time with my leg, but I stopped hearing a voice from the stairs.

"Sir, do you need anything," her maid asked me.

God damit! What hell she is going here!

"Nothing, but what are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"Sir, Sana mam has exams from next week, so she asked me to stay here as she studies the entire night."

"ok fine, go sleep! she is sleeping, maybe" I informed and walked back to my room.

Nice plan! She is trying to avoid me. I will see how far you can escape from me.


Four days later,

Sana avoided him totally. He was mad on her by now. All the students are busy in preparation. Sid gave a small test to students as a pre-final. He gave a question paper to all and stopped in front of Sana.

"All the best, baby!" he whispered while pinching her finger in a way unnoticeable form others, but she felt it. She took the paper and started checking out questions.

"Guys, if you fail in this exam, you will definitely fail in final exams, as it going to be tough, tougher, toughest. Now, take this exam well and I will give instant result after valuation by that you can correct your mistakes," he announced.

Sana didn't give any damn for him.

"Am I clear!" he shouted towards her. She rolled her eyes away from him.

All started writing. She gave her best in answering them. After an hour, everyone submitted their answer sheets.

Sid started Sanaluating one by one. He intentionally placed her answer sheet below in the row. All the students left the room one by one by leaving them alone in the classroom.

A shiver started in her body by feeling the empty class around her. He got up and placed the paper on the front desk and moved towards the door. She felt he is vacating the room, but for her shock, he locked the door which scared her to the core.

"What are you doing!" she shouted in fear and ran towards the door, but he blocked her way.

"Come, let's have a talk, baby!" He whispered while stepping a little closer. She fell back on the chair.

"Look at your answer sheet!" He said while placing the sheet in front of her.

"40/50 a topper mark, but you wanted to fail. Why sweetheart? Don't you want to be topper! Don't you Wanna achieve your dreams! Don't you want to be a doctor!" He asked while squeezing her knees.

"I want all!" she said with teary eyes.

"Then why you're running away from me!" he asked while caressing her legs. She pushed his hand away.

"Just a night, sweetheart!" he whispered in a husky tone.

"Please leave me! Please, I'm just 17 how can you expect this from a small girl and I'm your student, you can't take advantage of your position." She cried in disgust.

"I'm 25, I was dying for this moment from 25years," he said while caressing her thighs.

"You're disgusting!" she cried while jerking off his hands.

"Just for you! Be a good one, we can enjoy life. Trust me, just one night after that everything will be yours. I will gift you anything" He said with a proud smirk.

"You can give anything, but can you give back my dignity!" she choked in tears.

"Bloody hell! I'm being good it doesn't mean you can dance on my head, you should accept this! " he shouted, lifting her in his arms and pushed her on his desk. She crawled back in fear, but he pulled her down towards him and settled in between her legs.

"It's my long-term desire to fuck you on my desk! " he said with a dangerous tone.

"Please leave me!" she cried for his mercy.

"Stop crying or else I will have you right now!" He warned for one last time.

"Please let me go, sir!" She pleaded.

"Fine! I will make my dream true!" he hovered over her like a hungry lion.

"please leave me!" her pleadings are locked by his palm as he attacked her neck.

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