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Sid pov,

Why the hell I'm getting mad with her tears? I know I never hurt anyone, but I'm doing with her. I'm helpless. I can't get off my dreams. I want to be away from her. I tried. I hated myself for forcing her into this, but I could not get rid of her. I tried all those two years but failed. I want to know what is special about her, which made her special beyond other girls around.

Why I want her, is it just appearance or something else? I can find my answer only if I get what I wanted. If it ended once, I can let her go! Can I?

I walked back to my cabin. She is crying still, which made me angry or upset.

"Go home, I will be back evening!" I said to her. I called my driver, and she left home.

Her tears are disturbing me, as they are making me feel helpless. She deserves all happiness and love. I can give her happiness but can't give love because I don't believe in relations. I just believe in money. I cannot spoil my life. She should accept. She can have me, I don't mind, but she should obey me. I was done with this all drama. She is responding and I should get her to a point where she cannot resist my touch or me.

With all the thoughts, I went to my mansion. As I entered, I heard some giggling sound from the kitchen. It felt happy to see her smiling joyfully while Maya aunty is explaining her some past cooking experience. How can she get over all this! She spoiled my peace. It's like I punished myself. She is rolling happily after messing my day with her tears.

One day I would spank her until she turns deep red. I got a smile by thinking about the fantasy and her eyes fell on me. She changed her expression serious. I looked away and got back to the room to get fresh. I'll return to the dining hall by sharp 8 pm.

Already the food is served. I completed my dinner fast as I want to plan something for her.

"Have food!" I said in a dominating tone. She gulped down a spoon of fried rice.

"Complete and get back to the room!" I said and walked off to my room.

I got a box of chocolates and placed them on the bed. He came after some time.

"Lock the door!" I said in a cold tone. She obeyed and took baby steps towards the bed. She jumped on the bed by seeing a lot of chocolates lying on the bed. She glared at me doubtfully.

"All for you, but you shouldn't eat!" I chuckled with a smirk.


"You're doing the same with me. You signed my contract and now denied saying dignity and all scarp." I signed.

"You're so bad!" She yelled in anger.

"If you play a game with me, then I will gift all these chocolates. "

"What game?" She asked with innocence.

"A UNO" with a bet... Who wins maximum will get this bundle of chocolates." I told her.

"What bet!" She asked.

"If you win, you can get a pic of cloth from me, vice versa" She nodded without thinking of my dirty deal. My innocent baby.

We started the game; she is a skillful player.

First game- she won and giggled at me. I removed my shirt, making her know the meaning of a pic of cloth. She got up from the bed and tried to leave.

"Deal was deal. Play 5 games if you win all chocolates yours. If you go now, I will be a winner and you should give every pic of cloth." I chuckled with a naughty grin. She gave an angry look while cruising me inside.

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