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Sana felt awful in herself for responding to his dirty actions. She got angry with herself, but she is helpless to overcome.

A week later,

Sana started getting friendly with Maid Maya as she doesn't have a mom. She liked her care for her and slowly she started getting comfortable with her and started sharing her likes dislikes and about her dad. She felt blessed to find a human in the devil empire.

Dining hall,

Sid was having his dinner, and Sana was beside him. She signed Maya something, and Maya signed her to say.

"Um, Sir!" She paused a second to find his mood. He raised his eyes from the plate just to say.

"It's Sid! I'm not your professor anymore!" He said in a bit serious tone.

"Can I ask you something! Please!" She requested with nervousness.

"Yeah! What do you want?" He asked while gulping down his last bite of food?

"I want to study, can I go to my college?" She pleaded with a hope he gets convinced.

"Hmm! Will you try to run away again?" He asked in a cold tone while dropping the spoon.

"No! I swear, I will be back home after college. I signed your agreement too!" She tried hard to convince him.

"Ok, you can go from tomorrow," He said while getting up from his chair.

"Really!" She yelled with joy, but her happiness couldn't stay long as his words scared her.

"Remember, you are mine! And the driver will drop you and he will pick you too. If I find you violating any of my rules. I will punish you hard along with your virginity. Now, come to me like a good girl. We should sleep," He said in an angry tone and walked upstairs.

She pouted towards Maya, who heard everything.

"It's ok Sana he accepts this, Just be careful not to make him angry and I'm always here to save you!" She assured. She gave a hug and left to room.

Next Day,

Sana got ready with all happiness and got down to leave. When a voice stopped her.

"Breakfast!" Sid said in a serious tone.

"I'm not hungry, will have lunch!" She replied while walking towards the door.

"Dare you do this! Have breakfast or else you can't go anywhere!" He shouted.

"Please, for one day!" She pleaded.

"I will count 5 sit here and have breakfast or else you will get an add on punishment along with breakfast."She said in a dangerous tone. She walked back and snuffed some bread in a hurry which made her cough. He forwarded her a glass of water.

"I think I was pampering you too much, that you're always opposing me. This was my last warning, have food on time and behave or else!" He paused and his hand reached her tights. He gently caressed her when his hand about to reach her zipper. She held his hand to stop.

"I know!" she said while getting away from him.


"I want to visit my flat once I had my things and books." She informed.

"I moved them already and vacated it. Your things are in your room." He said with a smirk.

"Monster!" She scolded him.

"Need any punishment!" He chuckled with an evil smile. She ran to college like a scared kitten.

A week later One Evening,

Sid went to pick her, but she is unaware of his presence. Sid was waiting outside the main gate to meet her. She walked out with a group of friends. She was talking jovially with a male friend. He watched them for a few mins and the beast overcame him by seeing the closeness the person hugged her friendly and his hand brushed her waist accidentally. That's enough. The volcano burst out. He dialed her.

"Come out, I'm waiting outside!" He called her, and she came after biding a bye to her friends. He drove back home with a deadly silence.

She walked inside, and he followed her. She kept her bag on the bed and started removing her watch and accessories to get fresh.

"How is your college!" He asked in a calm tone.

"It's good!" She gave a one-word reply.

"Do you got any boyfriend!" He questioned her.

"Haan so! Even I have any, it's my personal!" She said being stubborn and unaware of its consequences.

"We are in a relationship! You can't love any others except me!" He said in a serious tone.

"Why should I love you! Did you love me! No, then why should I?" She shouted in the same tone that's enough he burst out. He pulled her by her wrist and pinned her back on the wall.

"why you needed a boyfriend? Because I'm not pleasing you or because I'm letting you free!" He whispered in a husky tone. Her breath got unsteady by his closeness. He pressed himself on her and she is totally locked between him and the wall.

"Leave me!" She barked.

"Answer is needed! Why you need a boyfriend! Am I incapable to make you feel it" He rubbed his thumb on her lower lip and moved his hand down while brushing her breast and reached her waist. She shivered as he pressed her waist hard, making her yelp.

"Perfect, just like your body designed for me, but you are flirting with another man on the roads." He whispered while leaning closer to her lips. He pecked her lips. She gave him a right slap.

"You slapped me again!" He uttered in disbelief while holding his sore cheek.

"Don't you dare touch me, or else!" She scowled while walking away, but he grabbed her back and pinned her to the wall and kissed her furiously. She tried to protest, but he moved her hand up to her head and bitten her lower lip, making her bleed and yelp in pain. She closed her lips shut to prevent him. He held her hands with his one hand, and he moved his right hand down towards her breast and kneeled it hard making her scream in pain and he gained the axis with he wanted but he didn't leave her. She struggled to get free, but he pressed himself more on her. She felt breathless as his kiss was absorbing her oxygen and his hands are assaulting her untouched private parts.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now