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She called the hospital to enquire about his appointment, which he had hidden from her.

"Hello A-Z hospital" The receptionist spoke.

"Can I talk to Dr. Richard?" Sana asked the receptionist.

"No, mam sir is in flight now, but we can connect to his assistant doctor," she said politely.

"Ok do it"

"Hello mam, how can we help you?" The junior Doctor asked.

"Hello, this is Sana. Is there any appointment on the name of Sid?" She asked.

"Yes, mam tomorrow @10am but it is postponed to 6 pm"

"What surgery?" Sana asked.

"It's private information we can't disclose" The doctor spoke.

"You can disclose to your patient's family and it's a basic rule of hospitals to give information to his/her family. Without knowing this basic thing, you started your practice as a doctor." Sana shouted in anger.

"Sorry, Mam, Sterilization I.e, Family planning," The doctor said, which shocked her.

"Cancel that appointment. "

"We can't cancel until Mr. Sid says us" The junior doctor argued.

"This is Mrs. Sid, very powerful than Sid. You listen to him, and he will listen to me! Cancel that appointment if you want your job or else. I will collapse your hospital." She snapped in anger.

"Ok mam, sorry!" The doctor said in a scared tone.


Sana pov

I started thinking about Sid's decision.

Why this type of decision suddenly?

We had physical relation from long from this past 2 years too. I was on pills. We lived happily than what made him think of this now?

Did he think I'm keeping him away because of fear of pregnancy?

Or He is thinking as a precautionary Measure!

Adopting a baby or giving birth to a baby is equal. My problem is about Jay! It's just freaking my mind. I should talk to him. I should know that the things are going in his mind.

As my mind is getting filled with multiple questions. My eyes fell on a folder on his desktop.

"Diary" She clicked on it, and it displayed a password. She typed their keyword "MY LIFE" it displayed his information. She forwarded that entire file to her mail and deleted sent history and checked out of his desktop.

Content in Dairy

She read every page and stopped on the page where she read his views about Jay and impact on him.

Sid pov,

My Jay was thinking same like me. He wanted to have a sibling. It's a good idea he will really learn sharing and caring. He will never take wrong steps like me being alone, but Sana is not ready for this. She is scared of having another baby. I can feel the fear in her. I wanted a baby. I want to feel my baby in her womb, which I missed at the time of Jay, but I can't ask her to compromise for me.

She already did a lot for me and today we are living grounded because of my so-called mother. She is working hard for me. She is doing so much, and I behaved like a stupid yelling at her. She is working day and night for our success, and I complained about my lust. I feel stupid in myself for my ill behaviour towards her. This thing should end, and I should kill my dream of having another baby. I should make sure she be happy according to her. The only way is to undergo family planning. About Jay, I can convince him, and I will definitely gift him a sister of his choice.


She closed her laptop and walked out to attend her private meeting. All the way she is thinking about Sid and his love for her.

"He is loving me so much. I should return his love. I should talk with him. Problem is not having a baby, it's about Jay... And he is right, maybe this can make him grow better. Yes, Sid is right" She finally realized her silly mistake and grabbed her phone and ordered a flower bouquet and a designer greeting card with her message.

Within an hour, the card along with flowers reached the office, and he received the flowers. He ignored them, thinking it was sent by some business persons as congratulations. He grabbed the card and kept it in his back to check later.


He returned early for Jay, and Sana came just within a few minutes of his arrival. She got fresh and changed in a beautiful black saree. As she walked downstairs, Sid widened his mouth by seeing her irresistible look. He swiped out all his naughty thoughts and focused on dinner and Jay. Sana smiled, looking at Sid.

They had dinner and Sid and Jay left to their room as it's a story time for them. Sana followed them after wishing goodnight to her dad.

"DADDY, what story you will say today?" Jay asked with joy.

"cow and tiger story ok," Sid asked, pulling his cheeks. Sana walked in that time.

"Say something new Daddy" Jay pouted.

"Say, new hubby," She said in a teasing tone adjusting her saree around her waist lowering it a little down her navel. He gulped down lumps, looking at her figure.

"Papa" Jay shouted, pulling his hand to get him to reality. Sana smirked, looking his reaction.

"Ok today, I will say the story of a princess and warrior," Sid said looking at Sana and Jay. She stayed quiet, listening to this.

"Ok, say," Jay asked with excitement.

Sid started narrating story.... And Jay & Sana are listening

"There lived a good king, and he had a daughter who is the princess of him and his kingdom. She is so good-hearted, innocent, and loving. She is so happy until she meets the warrior.

And the warrior is a servant of one big kingdom. He is trained to be arrogant, heartless, and cruel.

One day this carrier visited princess kingdom and seen the princess and fallen in love with her. "

"Just like I fell yesterday," Jay asked innocently.

"No, it's love a feeling baby like you love me and momma," He explained.

"Ok, then"

"Warrier is heartless, so he failed to understand the princess and hurted her in all possible ways. And the princess is being so good and native beared all the pain alone and tried to change the warrior"

"So bad, papa," Jay said sadly.

"Yes, the warrior is so bad still the princess loved that bad person. It shows the goodness of the princess and good destiny of the warrior... Like even doing all mistakes, the princess loved him so much and forgiven him easily. " Sid concluded, but Sana Interpreted sitting beside them.

"I think Jay your papa slept after reading half story or in-between story! The princess didn't forgive easily! She punished his so badly and left him for a few years. That warrior missed the most beautiful feelings in life. Now he wanted to feel them but scared to express his princess about his wish. Not only the princess, but that heartless warrior also loves his princess beyond himself. He turned so foolish in love that stopped expressing his likes or dislikes to his princess. But the princess is so sharp in reading him, and she is happy with everything the warrior does for her. And finally, the warrior became king, and the princess is queen, and they had a little prince, and one little princess is ready to plan. "

Sid's eyes popped out, listening to her last line.

"Just like I'm getting a new sister" Jay jumped on her, hugging.

"Yes," Sana said looking at Sid with a smile.

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