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Next Morning,

Sid walked into Sana's room without knocking. And she is busy getting ready for college.

"Good morning princess!" He chuckled with a smirk. She turned out to see him.

"Knocking door is manners," She said in a haughty tone.

"Everything here is mine, including you!" He said in a dominating tone.

"Only one month after that, I'm free from your torture!" She scowled out.

"Oh really? Are you sure that you can survive under me?" He asked with a naughty smile.

"One month is better than a year, that point makes me strong always." She said confidently.

"Sure princess, good luck let's start your ordeal day one, help me with breakfast!" he said with hidden evilness in his husky tone.

She followed him down towards the dining area.

"Get me some toasted bread and butter and a tiny layer of jam on it. It should taste so good, just like your lips." He said in a husky tone. She ignored his upcoming plan and followed his order. She got his breakfast and settled it in front of him.

"Who will feed me?" He asked with a smirk.

"You can eat yourself or else call Maya aunty!" She snapped in irritation.

"She will not be here for this month, and she can't do your works"

'What! Why!" She asked in horror.

"I want privacy and I had postponed all my meetings and this one month I will stay 24/7 with you." He confirmed while dropping her jaws.

"What I have college!" She shouted.

"Hmm, I sleep four hours daily and I can give you a break that four hours. Go to college and come back within time." He said playfully.

"You sleep night, but I have college daytime," She said innocently.

"Aww, I will sleep daytime hereafter as I will be busy 20hours with you while making you tired. If you had energy, then go to college, or else you can take leave like me." He said with a naughty smirk. His statement shocked her.

"No! I want to study." She tried to fight back.

"I may consider it as no and you know our rule!" He warned her.

"You such a monster." She cried in angry.

"Not yet seen! Now be good girl feed" He gestured her plate she took the toast and in her hands and tried to feed him.

"Not like this, baby! I will teach you the best way to do this job, hold this!" he gave her plate, and she placed the toast back and lifted her to replace her on the dining table.

"Open your mouth!" he demanded she followed his order, but for her shock, he snuffed the toast into her mouth.

"Yuck, I hate jam!" She shouted while taking it out.

"I will eat just follow me, baby!"

"Close your lips, dare not to bite it. If it falls down, I will punish you!" He warned her. She gulped lumps and adjusted to hold the bread, but the butter started spreading and it was about to fall. He caught the drop with his tongue, making her shiver by his closeness.

"This will be the best breakfast ever," He whispered with a lusty smirk.

"How much time should I hold like this, I'm not any dog" She crushed her fate inside. He leaned down and captured a bite of the bread, making the butter mixed with jam spread more. She kept on changing her expression as few drops of jam got into her mouth.

He started having bite after bite by increasing the sexual tension. He stopped a while when he reached the last bite which is been dripped between her juicy lips from past 15mins.

"My tasty love bite, come on, let me have this," He said with excitement while licking his lips. His lips gently brushed her lips, passing a charge to create a circuit. She left the last pic, but Sid caught it within a second, gulping it in totally. She took a breath of relaxation as his breakfast done. She was about to get down from the table.

"Not completed yet baby! My jam is left on your lips, and I want myself to be perfect, then how can I leave imperfect." He chuckled with a naughty grin.

"What! I will wash" She tried to move away.

"That's mine!" He said in a little serious tone making her stay steady for him. He took her into a deep kiss while licking off the jam all over her lips. He kissed her passionately while pouring out all his desires. She panted for air. After a second, he has broken the kiss and made her free.

"It's juice time!" he chuckled while showing her the glass of juice in his hand.

"No! Please stop it you're messing me," She complained like a kid.

"Can't help, it's you who made things fast!" He replied to her. She got angry and grabbed his glass of juice and smashed it on his face.

"What the hell!" He roared while wiping the juice from his face.

"I fastened your drink!" She chuckled while giggling at him.

She ran away, leaving him in shock. He left to his room after getting fresh. An idea popped in his dirty mind. He grabbed his keys and left the mansion, making her happy. She waited for an hour, but he didn't return. She thought he left for the office and maybe back by evening. She got changed in her favorite crop top and jeans to attend her college. She collected her bag and unlocked the door and for frozen by seeing him with an evil smirk and he has 2bags in his hand.

"No college baby, time for payback" He chuckled while pushing her hand lightly and made his way inside the room. He placed the bags on the couch and returned to close the door. She glued herself in fear of his next plan.

"I have college, please let me go... We can talk about this evening!" She tried to convince.

"Very fine, say no and you can go now," He said confidently.

"I want it to end at any cost!" She shouted.

"I want you at any cost! Now we both are on a single track will see how far you can travel with me" He chuckled while pulling her closer. She closed her eyes in response as he leaned, but he moved back with a small peck.

"Lie down on your back!" he demanded, and she took baby steps to reach the bed and followed his order. He moved towards the couch and collected soft handcuffs and a blindfold. He got on her and cuffed her hands to the bedpost, making her jerk in fear.

"Hey, what are you doing?" she screamed.

"Sh, it's just warm-up and today you're going to get tired" He whispered in her ear while sucking down her earlobe. He reached down her legs and tied up her legs while spreading them on either side.

"Are you planning my death or what!" She shouted in anger. He slapped on her thighs, making her gasp in pain.

"Dare you raise your voice! I planned only pleasure. Do you want pain too!" He asked in a cold tone. She glued her lips. He got a hand knife in his hand.

"No!" She screamed as the sharp end of his knife touched her top.

"No!" He asked in a teasing tone.

"Not that please don't rip it. It's my favorite top!" She pleaded while struggling.

"Oh, really but can't stop this" He ripped her top from the middle, and he started tearing into pics by showing her every pic.

"You're so bad!" She cried like a kid. She is too much lost in her top that she didn't even realize that she is half-naked from the top, only in inner.

"You will see more, today I will see you totally inch by inch. I will rip every piece of cloth that touched your little sexy frame. I want to feel you totally." he said in a husky tone. She widened her eyes in horror.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now