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Sid was rushed to the hospital. They moved him to ICU. He was still holding her hand in his unconscious state.

"Please stay here!" The doctor said to them, Sana removed his grip and placed his hand beside him,

"Sana!" He whispered in a low, painful tone.

"Haan Sid, open your eyes!" She pleaded in tears. They rushed him to the operation theater.

Sana and Adam are praying to God outside the theater when the doctor walked out.

"Doctor, how is he!" Sana asked in tears.

"Complicated, the bullet was just next to his heart. Every passing second it's moving towards his heart. If it happens, he may be no more." The doctor informed them.

"No, he should be alive. Please do something!" She cried.

"We will try our best. We need his family's permission to do the surgery. Inform them as soon as possible." Doctor said.

"I was his family doctor. Please do the operation," She said them.

"What is your relationship with him?" Doctor asked.

"I'm his wife!" She shouted, which shocked Adam.

She completed all formalities and signed as his wife. Doctors left to operate him. Adam stood there in confusion by seeing her crying vigorously.

After 3hours, doctors walked out and shifted him to ICU.

"Operation was successful, but We can't say anything until 24hrs," Doctor said and left.

"Sana!" Adam called her from behind. She turned towards him in her pale face.

"Are you the same girl for whom Sid searching from the past two years?" He asked her to clear his confusion. She nodded 'yes'

"Then he said you hate him to the core," He questioned.

"I did" She whispered while wiping away her tears.

"Then it's happy, let him die," Adam said with a smile which made her angry.

"He can't die!" She shouted in anger.

"Why? because you're loving him so?" Adam had broken his silence, making her jolt by his question. She left his shirt in shock. She walked away towards the balcony of the hospital.

Sana pov,

I can't love him. He destroyed my life. He made me leave my dad. He made me leave my dream. He snatched my peace and made my life hell. How can I forgive him so easily?

No, I don't love him and will never love such a monster.

But? Why he risked his life for me!

Why he left me easily without any question!

Why he got ready to die for me! Does he love me?

No, he never does it then why he did all this?

As I lost in my world of thoughts. I heard a voice from behind.

Adam walked to me with a smile.

"Don't worry, he will be fine!" he said while forwarding a cup of coffee. I forced a smile on my pale face, but I know he caught it.

"Are you thinking about something?" He asked while sipping his coffee.

"Hmm "

"About Sid!" He asked me and I nodded.

"Sid! What do you think about him? Say frankly," He asked in a calm, friendly tone. No doubt that he made me feel comfortable, like an elder brother.

"He is different, something inside and another thing outside. Double shaded and totally confusing person in my life. My biggest problem of life a few days before," I said what I felt about him.

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