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"last 10 seconds!" She yelled in a teasing tone. She is enjoying his pain.





Before she says one, he jumped back on his feet and stood steady on his legs. She got rooted in horror.

"It's my turn to kiss you now!" He whispered with an evil smirk.

She stepped back in fear. She turned back to run away, but he held her in his tight grip.

"Where are you going without completing the game!" He chuckled in an evil tone and pulled her by her jeans. She was hardly touching the floor by now. He almost lifted her up from the floor by his tight grip on her jeans.

"L... Look, I don't mean to do that!" She said in her shivering tone while trying to stand away from his grip.

"But you did that!" He said in a haughty tone.

"I'm sorry! let's end this game here." She said while trying to run away still.

"Will you accept defeat and obey me!" He roared with happiness.

"No!" She shouted while pushing him. He pulled her back towards him, and she fell on him, and both are on the bed. He flipped her down and hovered over her.

"Let me kiss you" He whispered in a husky tone and started moving his hand down to reach her jeans.

'I was so awaited to see you!" He whispered in her ear while sucking on her ear. His hand found the round button of her jeans and he tried to unbutton same she jerked his hand away from her and tried to push him...

"No! You can't do this... Kiss on clothes only don't you dare touch my clothes." She shouted in anger.

"But the pain was inside right! You gave incredible pain, and you deserve the same!" He yelled back whole, pinning her hands up.

"You hit me too, but not this!" She struggled under him while throwing her legs away to get out from his grip.

"Oh, really! Means I can hit you back on the same place where you punched me!" He asked with a mischievous smirk. The reality of his question jolted her mind totally.

"No, No! I... I didn't say" She yelled in a panic tone.

"But I want it! It's so sexy though!" He whispered while caressing her jeans on her thighs.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She warned in anger. He is really amazed by her guts, she's arguing even in the worst situation.

"Ok, you have 3options"

1 - let me kiss or touch you on the same place

2- or one more sweet deal you can touch me and reduce my pain!

3- Let's have a deep passionate lip lock!"

She widened her mouth in horror.

"It's too much!" She screamed.

"Accept your defeat and obey me!" He exclaimed.

"Ok fine! I will help you!" She cried being irritated.


"Do I have any choice, I can't let you touch me!" She shouted in him.

"How sweet baby, come on!" He jumped happily with excitement and lied on his back. She got ready to leave to get an ice pack"

"Where are you going!"

"To get an ice pack," she snapped.

"Your hands are enough, baby!" He said in a seducing tone.

"What should I do!" She scowled.

"Unbutton my jeans and take my junior and give him a massage with you beautiful little hands." He chuckled shamelessly, which made her shock and confuse a little.

"Who is junior!"

"Did you passed 12th really!" He asked doubtfully.

"yes, you know it too."

"Don't you know about male human organs!" he questioned.

She rolled her eyes and understood what he meant.

"No way! I can't touch you!" She screamed while getting away.

"Stop irritating me now! Do one thing or else I will do all three myself!" He scowled in anger.

"Um, ok kiss me it's better" She whispered in a low tone.

"Ok, lie down and close your eyes once!" He said with a smirk. She did as he said. He kept his hand inside his pant and took out the guard, which he kept for safety before starting this game. He placed that on the table beside them and jumped on the bed to get his reward... I.e. an illegal reward as he cheated the game.

"Open your eyes! Look into my eyes.." He whispered while hovering over her. He leaned down towards her lips with an intense eye lock.

"Respond or else, I will kiss down!" He warned one last time while kissing her.

"I Don't know how to!" She whispered while biting her lip nervously. He smiled by seeing her innocence.

"Look into my eyes, Just do what I did!" he whispered while looking into her eyes, She nodded a yes.

He brushed his lips on her lips. She shivered with his single touch. He kissed her lips, a small peck.

"Can u do the same!" he whispered in a husky tone.

He leaned back on her lips. He claimed her lips in a short kiss while nipping and licking her lips.

"Follow the same!" He whispered in between kiss, He bitted her lower lip she moaned in his mouth. She hit him on his hard, tonnes chest for biting her. He had broken the kiss.

"Got angry! If u have that much angry show the same pain to me!" he smirked, while pulling her closer towards him.

She was hell angry with all this, his bites! He leaned closer towards her.

"will accept defeat or will u fight back!" He provoked her more.

She claimed his lips now. She wasn't kissing; she is just trying to find access to defeat him, but innocently she is kissing him. It's a part of the game for him.

He was all shock by her sudden reaction; He closed his lips to enjoy her touch. She understood his mind. She plucked his hair on his head. He opened his mouth in pain to yell. She grabbed his lower lip with hers and bitted it hard while making it bleed. He gasped in pain. First time in life, he got something unexpected. He lost in her domination. He loved to get a bite by her. Finally, she has broken the kiss to have some oxygen.

He claimed her lips again, caged her in a hungry kiss which shocked her. She hit him with her tiny little hands, but he is strong. He pinned her hand to her back and kissed her while nipping her already sensitive lips. She responded at her level best. He pressed her waist in his palm.

"Um! Ahh!" She moaned in his kiss. She was panting for air, but he was not in a mood to leave her.

flaws of thirst {sidnaaz}Where stories live. Discover now