Contract Signing Gone Wrong

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I was nervous, tonight was the contract signing between The Shield and Evolution a no holds barred match, that would take place Sunday, all because my godfather was upset about the relationship I had found myself in.  On one side I felt guilty this was happening, all the drama that had spilled over into our professional lives. All the shit that not only Joe was enduring for being with me but Colby and Dean by default. I kept wondering if Joe would see I wasn't worth it and would leave. Hell between Dre and Paul of the shoe was on the other foot it would definitely cross my mind. Our music started and we walked out me in front of Joe who had a arm around my waist. I was hiding it but this bothered me a lot, As we made it to the barrier I hopped it after Dean and Rome moved behind me hands on my waist before we climbed in the ring.
"Tonight is historic." Dean said speaking having grabbed a mic. "Tonight is the last time you will see the shield and evolution in the same ring on Raw." Joe was already tossing the table and chairs set in the ring with Colby as I stayed out of the way while Dean spoke "at payback one team isn't just going to be eliminated from a match one team and that will be evolution that team will be eliminated out of this business and off the face of the earth together." Watching my boyfriend toss office furniture like it wasn't nothing was kinda hot.
"Besides who are we kidding with this out here. This thing has gone way past the 7 of us sitting across a table from each other signing some silly piece of paper. Let's rearrange this let's get rid of this stuff and down to business." Colby said. Joe tossed the table and Colby grabbed the contact when Evolutions music hit and my godfather walked out wit Randy and Dave. They looked ready for a fight all this because I was dating and happy, I found a good guy but because he was in the business it was an issue. I didn't get what his issue was dad was fine he'll everyone was but him
"I want everyone to be aware of what they are witnessing here I want you guys to be aware of what you are about to sign. Jayla what you are about to allow them to do. You sign that what all of you are witnessing is the last time you will see the shield ever on Monday night raw. It's a shame I gotta tell you it's a shame. You guys could have had it alk, safe to say in a pretty fair judge if talent you don't gotta look further than the two guys standing next to me to know that and I remember looking at you guys watching you and Jayla watching you damn near your whole life. Watching the ink dry in the contacts that allowed you to come here and live your dream and I remember thinking to myself these guys are gonna change it all these guys are the future of the WWE and my goddaughter I knew well before you signed you could change the world here and the entirety of the women's division and you threw it all away. You threw it all away for Jayla Michaels and what ever this stupid little love affair between her and Roman is. What you think he's really going to stay with you Jayla? You think Roman is really going to stay with you after I dismantle the shield and then ruin his career. Do you really think they are going to pick all their dreams over you. Roman you could have been a star all you had to do was leave her and you threw it all away" I know I didn't stop the hurt look that crossed my face as my uncle essentially laid out my fears. All this drama I was scared every day that Joe was going to give up and walk away and I was going to be left hurt because I was falling for him not matter how much I was trying to fight it. "I am gonna ask you one more time you wanna sign that? I sure that Sunday is the last we ever see of the shield." The guys looked at each other and Colby looked at me and signed it handing it to Dean who signed before handing it to Joe who took his hand off my hip and signed it stepping around me and walked up to the ropes tossing it down at Paul's feet. Paul looked up at him slightly shocked by his actions. Joe was over this shit and was pissed. Dave signed and Randy did and then my godfather did. I knew a fight was bound to happen "Sunday your gonna be nothing but a statistic and Jayla you get to watch it all fall apart knowing it was all your fault. The reason the Shield was destroyed was you, you ruined all their lives. "
"Shut up." Joe growled deeply and harshly from behind me having gotten sick of my godfather and his trash talk. Joe knew me better than Paul thought and could see I was uncomfortable with this situation and he knew what my worries were "get in the ring and fight." I moved back as Colby touched me and Evolution stood on the apron and then they all started fighting Dave going after Joe to keep him at Paul separated. Dean launched Paul over the rope and Colby launched Randy before he dove out of the ring and into them. Dean was gonna repeat but Dave caught him as Ro slipped in the ring knocking the hell out of him and as he fell I could tell he really knocked Dave out for a few.
"Rome!" I saw my godfather as I looked across the ring he had the damn sledgehammer and I knew what he intended. I had a split second to make a decision and the one I made was going to change not only my relationship with my godfather but my one with Joe too. I dove into the ring knowing not only did Joe not see it but he wouldn't have time to react regardless. I shoved him out of the way with all the strength I had to move his massive frame and saw the shock on my godfathers face as he realized he was gonna hit me and there was no stopping it. Joe turned wondering what happened and I saw his eyes widen and he reached out to me as Pain exploded in my head everything flashing before everything turned dark.

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