Miss You

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I was having a pretty rough month, tough ass matches but I think it was harder for me not having Joe. While he was out I was riding with the twins and Trin and sometimes Mina joined us. Joe was doing good trying to recover and had been taking the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Jojo. Our nightly face times had featured her quite a bit and she always made me smile, he was such an amazing father and the fact Jojo liked me and the kids so much made everything better. I was sitting with the girls backstage when Cole started talking.

"Welcome my special guest live via satellite Roman Reigns." I perked up stopping mid sentence as I heard his name and looked at the tv. I had no clue this was supposed to happen and he never told me of i when we had talked last, and damn did he look good. His hair pulled back, hoodie a black tee and those steel colored eyes and that damn smirk. I couldn't stop the smile that graced my face looking at him.

"Sup Cole

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"Sup Cole."

"Hey Roman, it's been a few weeks since your emergency surgery. How are you feeling? How are things going? What's the update?"

"Things are doing a lot better, um the doctors are happy with my progression I'm feeling a lot better. I'm able to move around a little more um but you know with felling better in a situation like this it kind of sucks you know, I'd rather be there with you guys in Brooklyn. But I know it's only a matter of time. I'm just counting the days down until I'm you know slipping that vest back on and I'm right back there in the middle of that ring vibing off the energy of the crowd and kicking everyone's ass. And with the right attitude and focus that's going to happen a lot sooner rather than later you can believe that. And to the most beautiful woman in that building I miss you and I love you." His music played but all the girls 'awwed'

"Uh oh." Nikki said playfully nudging me. "Looks like someone misses you."

"Feelings mutual."


I watched every week, I watched her. She was on a loosing streak, something I knew Paul had a hand in. She was absolutely fucking beautiful. Being stuck at home sucked aside from all the time I was getting with my daughter. One day I was going to be able to be home heavy, I'd honestly gladly stay home with all the kids. I missed Jayla's kids too, I'd honestly gotten pretty attached to them since I'd known her and I loved and felt honored they looked at me like a father figure. Watching the shows gave me the chance to soak in every little detail of her; yeah I had details of her no one else did I sill took the chance memorizing every little detail of her The weeks rolled by and I missed her more and more, I'd only gotten to physically see her once because we both agreed the kids came first and I wanted her to see Cat and Apollo.


In a couple of weeks it was going to be Christmas. I had with the help of my parents and Jayla's gotten everyone to go to Hawaii, I funded the trip because not only did Jayla deserve a vacation but she deserved time with all of her family, and I missed her. Thankfully everything worked out good and I was able to make it happen and I planned to surprise her. I knew she missed her family and deserved time with them, it killed her not being able to see them as much as she liked. She was also getting another surprise tonight because it was the Slammy's and I was here but she had no clue about it. I watched as Booker introduced her since she was being a presenter for Superstar of the year. She was wearing jeans that were ripped, blank knee high boots and a long sleeve black shirt that had an open criss cross design that went almost all the way down the front. She looked fucking gorgeous and my body embarrassingly reacted to her

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