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I stood in the wings as Evolutions theme blared. My palms sweaty and my face still bruised even with makeup. Black pants and tank, boots in my feet. The three men in front of me so focused and seething in anger ready for blood and a fight. They knew it was way deeper than a job and storyline at this point. It had gotten personal and like some old bullshit story and were now fighting for my honor so to speak. As our music hit we walked out.
"Being accompanied to the ring by Jayla Michaels at a combined weight of 770 pounds, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Shield!!" I knew this was about to be a hard fight. Getting to the ring Dean stood in the middle while Seth and Rome stood on the turnbuckles. Joe taking a look at my godfather before grabbing me and gently cupping my face and pressing his lips to mine. I could hear Paul yelling as Joe passionately kissed me. I gripped his side holding him to me a smirk on his face as a small moan left me something he felt. He pulled back and kissed my head before he got serious. I glanced behind me at my seething godfather a cocky smirking Randy and Dave who looked serious but was also looking at Joe and I a almost intrigued look hidden in his eyes. I fist bumped my boys as they hugged me.
"Be safe and kick their asses."
"We got this heartbreaker." Colby said. Dean held the rope for me as I got out my hand sliding over Joes shoulders before I walked down the steps and stood ringside. It was a elimination match and I'm pretty sure with no dq my godfather knew I would get involved at some point. The six of them faced off as the bell ring and they went after each other immediately. Dave was fighting Joe, Randy and Dean and Colby and Paul. I saw Dave slam Joe into the steps and looked at them watching Joe go over the barrier into the stands. Orrin and Dean following. Colby and Paul by the ring. All of them going into the crowd it was hard to keep an eye on everything and everyone. They finally after 10 minutes got back to the ring to start the match.
"Come on Seth!" I yelled as he kicked out after Dave got the upper hand on him then tagged in Randy. Seth was able to capitalize and hit him and take Dean. Once Rome got in he hit Randy hard. Randy knocked him down and ragged in Dave but Rome shot up clotheslining the hell out of him. "Shit." I muttered quietly watching them. He was taking being the powerhouse in full force tonight. Dave tagged in Paul and as soon as Dean could he tagged in Joe. He climbed in the ring glancing at me before looking at Paul. He knew how I felt how I didn't like this whole situation, and he knew even with the bullshit that deep down I still loved and cared for my godfather. They squared off circling one another. They didn't speak but the looks on their faces told it all. I admit my godfather looked taken back, I really don't think he expected Joe to ever put up a fight like this with me. I guess he thought he could scare him off but was quickly realizing Joe was the real deal. They locked up and H got him in a headlock and Joe bounced off the ropes and hit him with a hard shoulder tackle taking him down and he got to a knee shocked. Joe was practically shaking in anger and I had not seen that look on his face before. Joe was actually kind of dominating him and then he tagged Dean in. They were tagging one another in very fast using it to their advantage as Colby was already in the ring. As they got the upper hand on Dean and were double teaming him I saw Colby start arguing with the ref and ran around and hitting my godfather who was outside the ring hitting Dean along with Dave who was in the ring with him Paul looked at me shock on his face.
"Not on my watch." I walked off watching as Evolution took a page from our book and we're doing rapid tags.
"Come on Deano!" Dean has been in for a while and was getting his ass kicked. He needed to tag out, I knew that whoever got a loss first would change everything. 12 minutes later all hell broke loose again as th why all started fighting all over the place again, still no eliminations. I heard a loud echo and had to look to the tron screen to see what happened. I saw Colby laid out on the concrete floor I didn't know what happened but it was clear that sound was him getting hit with something.
"Aulelei move!" I turned hearing Joe as Dave was on the ground and he walked up by the announce table. I moved back. He started clearing the table
"Babe!" He turned as Randy hit him and Paul grabbed him hitting him before ramming him into the stairs it was clearly three on one now as they had taken out Seth and Dean, I felt dread and fear fill me knowing without a doubt my godfather had a plan and I knew it wasn't good. "You gotta get up baby." I said gently touching Joes shoulder. He groaned and I knew from seeing it he had hit that kinda hard and hadn't blocked it all the way. "I know but we gotta move it." I could hear things hitting the floor behind me. I saw Randy look at me before I felt a harsh pull and fell looking and seeing Paul grab Joe. He shoved me away again as I tried to intervene realizing they were going to triple power bomb him through the announce table. I ran to him dropping down a hand on his chest. His eyes were closed but I knew he was awake just hurt. "Joe get up. Please. You gotta get up." I had to find a way to get him away from here until Colby and Dean were ok. I knew they would rip Joe apart given a three on one chance, it gave Paul the chance to punish him solely for being with me.
"Hey heartbreaker." I heard a sing songy voice call out and looked up glaring at Randy. Dave and Paul slowly turning around. "That's a good look for him."
"Shove it asswipe." They all we're watching me check on him trying to get him up. My eyes meeting Paul's as he looked at me the pointed.
"Let's finish him."
"No leave him alone!" They looked at me doing our shield fist bump in my face. Suddenly I saw movement and evolution fall and realized it was Dean who came from no where and dove off the other announce table and then Colby came from no where. I jumped up smiling. I saw quickly though them get over powered and Joe trying to move. Dean and Seth got beat and taken out with chairs. They were trying to keep my boys down so they could isolate and attack Joe. "Babe this is a setup it's to hurt you."
"I know."
"You gotta go."
"No." Joe slid in the ring laying there still out of it.
"Ulilohi please, you gotta get out of here." I pleaded uselessly as he didn't respond. As evolution came back and circled the ring I slid in and to Joe. I saw him look around past me and saw the worry and tiredness in his eyes. "Get out." Dave was in the ring, Paul on the apron in front of us and as I stood trying to help Rome realized Randy was behind us on the apron as my hair got pulled and he grabbed me. Joe turned but before he could do anything Dave slammed him as they started to attack him I tried fighting
"Stay out of it heartbreaker." I struggled against strong arms knowing I couldn't get out of Dave's grasp. "Orton." Randy walked up looking at us. "Help." I made it hard but the two of them easily over powered me and got me tied in the ropes twisting them and locking me there, the ropes digging harshly into my arms. Randy bending with Paul to my laid out boyfriend as they unzipped his vest and ripped the black beater he had on under it from his body. Steel steps in the ring I knew something bad was gonna happen. Randy had gotten out of the ring but I started struggling harder when I saw why as I saw a few kendo sticks slid in by my feet as I tired kicking them away. Paul bent grabbing one groaning as my food connected with his shoulder.
"Don't do this" I pleaded. Paul grabbed Joe by the hair dragging him to the steps. "Don't! Don't do this!" He slammed Joes head against the steps before doing it again. He held his arms down looking at me
"This is all on you Jayla, this is your fault!"
"Don't do this to him, please! Uncle Paul please!" He looked over at me before looking up at Randy and Dave nodding. I watched Randy lift his arms,

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