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We made our way with security where we needed to go, while we waited my fingers softly traced the marks peeking from Joe's vest. He grabbed my hand kissing it making my eyes meet his.

"I'm ok aulelei" (beautiful)

"I know ulilohi" (handsome)

"What does that mean?"

"Handsome." Joe smiled kissing my head as the music hit.

"Teach me sometime?"

"loe I se aso." (yeah some day)

"Where did you learn that?"

"Practice." I pulled him catching up to the guys. I had known a few Samoan words learning from his family as a teen and of course the twins, but since being with him I've been learning more. I didn't like this, we had no clue what was going to happen just that at some point Seth was turning. I also didn't like that even after he got beat the way he did H made sure Rome had a match tonight. Joe had his arm around me as we stood in the ring.

"How do we look?" Dean asked "Cause we feel great. Bruised, beaten up for sure because last night we faced out biggest challenge to date, a no holds barred elimination match with Evolution. When that napalm settled, we did exactly what we said we were going to do a clean sweep. We eliminated every single member of Evolution without suffering a single causality. Now that is what I call domination." He stated as the crowd cheered and he tossed the mic.

"Adapt or perish, that was the whole deal right?" Seth said taking over. "Last night at Payback the Shield adapted while Evolution perished. Earlier tonight the whole world was witness to their implosion." I was still shocked that Dave quit and left. He looked at H told him he was sick of his lies, sick of him and his petty bullshit, called him out about being so ridiculous I was with Joe, bringing up he isn't my dad and even going as far to bring up his relationship with Steph. "And the reason Evolution perished is because even though they are three of the greatest superstars in the history of this industry last night they were not one like the Shield. In the end they were just three strangers who happened to be standing on the same side of the ring." Joe let go of me and grabbed Seth's shoulder.

"They weren't brothers, the men standing in this ring are brothers."

"Hey don't forget the hot sister here." Dean said pointing at me as Rome smirked.

"Oh she defiantly ain't my sister but the hot part is right." He said winking. He turned his attention back to what he was saying as he held his hand up. "This is Evolution." He said before making a fist. "This is the Shield. So Randy Orton bring your ass out here so I can break your jaw with the symbol of excellence." He said tossing the mic behind him. Randy's music hit and he and H came out, the latter having his sledgehammer tossed over his shoulder. Seth got out grabbing a chair.

"In case you haven't figured it out yet what I do better than anybody is adapt, last night was plan a." He said taking the hammer off his shoulder and looking at it. "Tonight, plan b. there's always a plan b, isn't that right Jayla." He said smirking at me as Randy turned his head to the side. I stepped forward knowing something was off and this was probably when Seth had to turn, but I knew there was more behind his words and it made me nervous. As Rome stepped next to me I heard a harsh hit before he collapsed hitting the ropes.

"Ro!" I yelled bending in shock as I looked behind me to Seth who was holding a chair, Dean's face mirroring mine in shock

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"Ro!" I yelled bending in shock as I looked behind me to Seth who was holding a chair, Dean's face mirroring mine in shock. "Baby?" I said touching him. Dean went after Seth but was immediately hit in the gut with the chair before Seth hit his back a few times. I hopped up shoving him back

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled smacking him in the face. He glared at me but refused to hit me. "We're family, what are you doing!" I yelled before he shoved me hitting Rome again causing me to grab him and move him away. "Leave him the hell alone Rollins!" I yelled as he hit Dean again until the chair broke.

The crowd was yelling he sold out and I felt someone grab my leg, looking down at Randy as Seth stomped Dean head first into the chair. Seth got out of the ring while I check on Dean and Rome. I never saw Seth hand the chair to Randy until I screamed when I got hit. Rome got on his knees seeing me hit but Randy immediately hit him. I crawled lying on top of him trying to keep him safe. My action didn't stop Randy who started bashing the chair roughly into my back.

I tried not crying out in pain but I did while gripping Rome

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I tried not crying out in pain but I did while gripping Rome. I felt his hand move on my waist before I screamed as Randy hit my back harshly, part of the chair hitting my head. Randy kicked me off Rome using the opportunity to ram the chair into his sternum. Joe tried to move and cover me and Randy hit him causing him to jerk up and roll off. Randy undid his vest ripping off his shirt as he rolled him over, H getting in the ring. As Randy turned Rome got back on top of me both of us dazed at this point and me in more than I'd ever felt. He grabbed Rome giving him an RKO on the chair before grabbing me.

"Do it." I heard H reply before Randy did the same to me, everything immediately turning black.

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