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As I watched her walk out, you could feel even in the back all the energy in the crowd. They were so pumped to see not just the two Hall of Famers but her was well. The WWE Universe hadn't seen her in a ring in quite some time so they were excited. Her and Amy went to the ring sliding in and standing with Trish Alica came out hitting Jayla as Mickie and Alexa tried to attack Trish and Lita, they quickly reversed it and the three got out of dodge fast. Trish kicked Mickie, Jayla speared her and Lita was going to do a moonsault but Alexa and Alicia pulled her out of the ring as Lita's music started. They show boated a bit before we got told to do our promo. I knew she was in the ring and I didn't know if she would be with us or not.

"They tried to break us." Colby started.

"But we don't break." I turned the camera to me after Dean spoke.

"What you need to understand is this isn't a faction, this isn't a friendship. This, is a brotherhood."

"You think you've done some ruthless things, you don't know ruthless. You think you're the bad guys."

"We are the bad guys." Seth said After our promo I found my wife standing to the side smiling.

"You guys did good, reminded me of back in the day."

"Thank you, you did pretty good too."

"So, heartbreaker, you gonna accompany us tonight?" Colby asked.

"Yeah, we getting graced with your presence?"

"Yes my boys, I think I will."


We hung out and I walked away from dad when he tried to talk to me. He knew I was pretty pissed so he left me alone. I went with the guys during Heyman's speech to the area where they had to enter. People were yelling and cheering us. Their music hit and we walked out.

"The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first being accompanied by Jayla Michaels the team of Dean Ambrose, the Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins and the Universal Champion Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Seth dove over the barrier and I grabbed the rail hopping over it spinning to face Rome before kissing him. He smirked climbing over the barrier. We all got in the ring and they looked to the entrance as Braun's music went off. All hell broke loose outside the ring, Rome getting picked up by Braun and rammed into the post. Then he picked him up but I grabbed Rome's leg pulling him down and out of the way as Dean dove out of the ring but got caught. Rome speared Braun and Dean got back in but Drew caught him in a Claymore and won the match. In the ring Dean was pissed and walked off leaving the three of us behind, looking confused as the show ended. I helped Rome and Seth to the back.

"Jayla." I looked up at my dad who was waiting for me.


"Will you talk to me?"

"Why? You haven't talked to me. How long did you know you were coming back?'

"Since before I flew to Australia."

"So half the time we've been training you've been using me to prepare for a comeback match."

"I wouldn't use you."

"Well you did! You have been training with me daily and never told me. You were helping yourself and couldn't be man enough to tell your own kid what the hell you were doing!"

"Jayla Destiny Hickenbottom!"

"Anoa'i, my last name is Anoa'i and I am so glad to have gotten-"

"Enough!" I looked at Joe who had yelled, something he rarely did. Dad and I both had tempers so we were in each other's face. "Jayla you need to calm down, you are about to say something you are going to regret."

"No I'm-"

"Yes you are, anger can go away, words can't." I knew he was right and truthfully I was about to say something mean so I am grateful he stopped me.

"You are coming back for a match that's let's face it probably is about to be a shitstorm. Mark needs fucking surgery for the uptenth time. You know it hurts a whole hell of a lot that you are coming back for this match but have stonewalled me every time I have asked, everytime!" I turned walking away from him as my husband followed, pulling me into his chest as I wiped my face.

"You ok?"



I watched her walk away from me and my heart broke. Never had she turned her back on me, all the fucked up shit I had done through her life and she was always there when she could and probably should have turned her back she never did.

"You need to tell her." I looked at my best friend wiping my eyes.

"I wanted to surprise her, I never thought she'd react to this like this."

"Man, neither did I but your not going to be able to surprise her you gotta tell her now." I nodded looking at Vince, we had planned to after Evolution surprise her, me go to the ring and say I want to tag with her for a father daughter match. Ric couldn't wrestle but I had talked to Paul and Steph and they agreed to participate.

"If you wanna tell her, go ahead, I understand." I followed her and got to the parking lot in time to see her drive off with Joe, Colby and Dean. I sighed pulling out my phone. Calling her I was met with more heartache.

This is Jayla, leave a message and I'll call you back

I called my son in law, praying he'd answer.


"Don't hang up."

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