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Jayla had been gone for awhile and I went to check on her. She was laying in our bed curled on her side, a hoodie of mine on and the hood up. I smiled shutting the door letting her rest. I saw my father in law standing at the door and walked to him, I saw Detective Ross

 I saw my father in law standing at the door and walked to him, I saw Detective Ross

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and the DA standing at the door.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes, we just need to speak with your wife."

"She's resting, can I help you?" I said looking at them.

"We need pictures of her injures Mr. Anoa'i." The detective said. You could see he felt bad knowing I would have to wake her.

'I'll be back, let me go get her." I begrudgingly walked back upstairs to our room. I bent down next to the bed brushing the hair out of her face. "Aulelei." I said gently shaking her. "Wake up baby girl."


"I need you to get up, Mr. Ross and his partner are here with DA Patterson

 Ross and his partner are here with DA Patterson

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and Jones

 and Jones

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are here."


"They have to document the injuries he caused." Jayla sighed rubbing her face and I knew she was wanting to break and it killed me. "I'll be right next to you." I said kissing her knuckles. Mine were still slightly bruised from beating his ass. I held her hand as we walked downstairs. Thankfully Maria had taken the kids into a different room. I sat next to Jayla at the dining table. Even though she was tall in sweats and my hoodie she looked small and I could sense her discomfort with all of this. Thankfully Ross had brought his partner Detective Frost

I knew between her and the DA as women would make her a bit more comfortable

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I knew between her and the DA as women would make her a bit more comfortable.

"Thank you Jayla, I know this is rough." Jayla softly smiled at Frost as the older woman touched her hand.

"Jayla, we need pictures of the injuries Mr. Parker caused."


I nodded as I slipped off Joe's hoodie. I knew there were a few small bruises on my face the worst being on my neck. Detective Ross took pictures before I looked at Ms. Patterson.

"Um, the others I have a mark on my ankle from him grabbing me and I have scratches on my chest."

"That's fine. Jane do you mind going with her so we can document those more privately."

"Yes ma'am." I got up and she followed me into the office and shut the door. First she took a picture of my ankle and leg before I took my top off so she could see my chest. "You're a pretty tough girl. The defensive bruising you have especially on your forearms show how hard you fought." She said softly.

"Did they say when everything should start?"

"No, but we can ask, I know they were pushing it since this extra attack then the stalking. There is a judge Patterson knows who will push it on the dock probably maybe start Friday." I nodded as I grabbed Joe's hoodie and slipped it back on. We walked back in and I sat next to Joe as he put his arm around me.

"Jayla I was just telling Joe there is a possibility we can get this trial started Friday or Monday."

"Ms. Frost was telling me."

"We will need you to testify and after the past few incidents I will go ahead and say Joe you probably will be needed too, and possibly the other witnesses or at minimum a statement. I know two of them were co-workers." Joe nodded as I sat quietly. I was so thankful to have him at the moment.

"I'll testify too." Anthony said making me look at him.

"Anthony no and your family-"

"My family can get over it, what he did wasn't right and any of them who support him I don't need in my life besides I have been cooperating with them since he raped you. He may be my brother by blood but you are my sister." I nodded at him

Thankfully after about 40 minutes they all left. I went to walk back up stairs when Anthony touched my arm.

"Don't run."


"Running away upstairs, so no. Stay."

"He's right." I looked at Alex as he walked in the door hugging me. I hugged him before I walked in the kitchen.

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