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I sat with Steph who had wiped my face for what felt like the millionth time. We were waiting on Paul to get back with my dad so I could leave. I was out of action until January and Steph was wanting me go ahead and take my break now. I still couldn't believe I was pregnant, even more so  that I was having a miscarriage which I have determined was the most painful thing I had ever felt, not emotionally but physically, this felt excruciating. Mentally I was still in shock and so upset Joe let his anger make him lash out like that. He was the sweetest person in the world and had somehow turned evil. It wasn't all his fault my godfather played a huge role in the anger but Joe crossed a line. My uncle had gotten beat like crazy past the point of what he deserved. I sighed knowing Christmas in a couple weeks was more than likely going to be very awkward now but I wasn't going to cancel it, I wanted to still see his family. I looked up when the door opened and my dad walked in flowers in hand, as he handed me them I saw the note, the handwriting easily standing out; I would recognize it anywhere; Joe. As my dad hugged me I failed at trying not to cry.

"It's going to be ok baby." I pulled back letting him wipe my face.

"I know, is he here?"

"No, he gave me these but I told him to leave."

"Thank you."

"He's really beat up honey." I nodded as we left the hospital. I went to the hotel surprised my mom was there , her and dad both stayed with me. I was lying on the couch and my mom was playing with my hair.

"You need to talk to him baby."

"I do't know how, the look on his face mom, he scared me."

"I know he did but baby he lost a child last night too, he feels horrible. You two need to talk to one another and it needs to be before next week, because the kids don't deserve an awkward stressed holiday." I sighed knowing she was right.

I watched as Stephanie was in the ring pissed, she was also a bit upset I had came to work, what I was physically and mentally going through she didn't want me here but relented after I said I needed to take my mind off of it, yea I was in pain but I still had a job, it was awkward being around Joe who I walked away from earlier when I saw. Jon told him I'd talk to him later and thankfully he left me alone. Steph had to modify things but I was currently in the ring with her.

"Last night Roman Reigns you didn't just attack my husband, you attacked the COO of WWE, you attacked your boss. Even worse you attacked her." She said pointing to me. "You let your anger cloud you so much you hurt the one person you supposedly care about. Therefore you leave me no other choice-" She was cut off as his music played and I took a deep breathe as I saw him in the crowd. I was trying to hide the grimace wanting to cross my face currently, masking terrible pain was kind of hard, I'm surprised the dirt sheets hadn't found out about this, then again Steph had told everyone aside from the directly involved parties and Vince I just had cracked ribs. Rome stopped before hopping the barrier taking a breathe and looking at me sadly. Th glare on the face of Stephanie was part an act and part reality. Joe looked angry but sad but damn he looked good.

"Thank you Roman!" The crowd chanted as they stared one another down.

"See I'm a father too." Rome said softly "And today is actually my daughters birthday." I smiled softly thinking of Jojo, who I had spoken to earlier and Joe's ex Galina facetimed me so I could see  her open her gift. I watched Joe smile before he turned to the camera "I love you Jojo, I cant wait to see you when I get home. That being said I don't feel bad at all about whipping your husbands ass; however Jayla." He said looking at me. "I am sorry for one thing, and that would be hurting you, I never meant for you to get hurt and I'm sorry." I sighed knowing he was being 100 percent real right now and going off script I nodded at him acknowledging his words.

"You got a lot of nerve coming out here Roman" Steph said "Wishing your little girl a happy birthday, you don't take this seriously. How would it feel for your ex-wife to look in your babygirls eyes and explain about the beating you took? How would that feel? Or how would it feel to have to explain to your kids why the person who loves you and is like a  father to them hurt you? Come on you better have something sharp to say." I know the comment regarding clearly me hit Joe hard, his tough look faltering as Steph spoke. "Come on Roman bring it, cause I'm ready." Joe looked at her smirking.

"Like I said I'm a little tight on time so if you're going to fire me, fire me please."

"Roman you are nothing more than a coward. These people are chanting thank you Roman, yes thank you Roman for once again losing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Oh and blaming everyone other than yourself, taking it out on my poor defenseless husband, your poor defenseless girlfriend. Who had nothing to do with it, accept the responsibility Roman you are a failure. You are a failure and you're a disgrace." She shouted angrily at him. Roman stepped back a second anger on his face. He turned his back to Stephanie for a moment before turning back a smirk on his face but still anger.

"I'm the disgrace?"

"Yes you are."

"I'm the disgrace, nah, nah Steph you are a disgrace. You're husband is a disgrace." He replied as the crowd cheered. "Nah nah, no a matter of fact you're whole family is a disgrace." Steph glared at him taking a step as the crowd started the 'yes!' chants.

Steph looked at Roman before smacking the hell out of him, his head whipping to the side, he turned back moving his hair a smirk plastered on his face. I watched as Steph smacked him again and he looked back smirking harder at her. She drew her hand back to hit him again smacking him repetitively before I grabbed her arm stopping her.

 She drew her hand back to hit him again smacking him repetitively before I grabbed her arm stopping her

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"I won't fire you because my husband and Jayla asked me not too. But I'll tell you there is someone on the way to the arena right now who just might; and that's the Chairman of the board of this company Vincent Kennedy McMahon" She yelled before throwing her mic and leaving the ring. I saw Joe look down, his face red and I saw the water in his eyes as he looked up at me. I grabbed his hand as he rolled his head around moving his jaw around trying to get his feeling back from where he got hit. I walked with him to the back and he stopped me in gorilla as I went to walk away.

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