Nothing Changes

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Things were good, time flies and I couldn't believe the holidays were coming up, yet with how good my personal life was that was how crappy my work life was. Personally we had surpassed a year, I can't believe we had already surpassed that. Professionally Paul was fucking me over every chance and being in Vince's ear made it worse because he played it off that the crowd would love the feud and me getting screwed, which the crowd was eating up everything we were doing but knowing the truth behind everything the situation was extremely frustrating. A survivor series I had one, I finally won the title. I had to fight my boy, my brother Dean in the finals but I did it. I still remember sitting there in shock, confetti raining down as he hugged me and Jayla sat behind me on her knees her arms around my neck hugging me tight. Then Paul had to come out, holding his hand out. I glanced at Jay who nodded and I speared the hell out of him, the crowd was so loud I never heard Jayla yelling frantically at me; turning around I was met with a foot to the face and before I could even fully grasp I had won the title I had lost it to Sheamus.


I remember being so pissed at my godfather that as him and Sheamus shook hands I smacked the living shit out of both of them. Joe worked his ass off and had earned that title and the fucked him over; yet again. No telling when Joe would get sick of this shit and leave me, honestly it was starting to weigh a little heavy on my mind, something I kept entirely to myself. Now the very next night I watched as Paul gloated about it, honestly I knew Joe was annoyed with me.

"Two weeks ago I offered Roman Reigns an opportunity that would guarantee he would walk out of Survivor Series as WWE Champion, all he had to do was one simple little thing, leave Jayla Michaels. All Roman had to do was end the damn relationship with my goddaughter and shake my hand and what did he do he chose to tell me to shove my opportunity."

"Now for some people they are lucky if opportunity knocks once, for Roman Reigns opportunity knocked twice, ad like you said Roman Reigns turned it down. Once before the tournament and again last night when all you wanted to do was be a good boss and offer your congratulations."

"That's right because I am not a petty man. I wasn't upset the first time, I mean I did tell him to end his relationship with my goddaughter, no, no I'd buried that and when Roman Reigns went through that tournament last night at Survivor Series when by his own hand Roman Reigns became the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, I was the first one to stand there look him in the eyes and offer my congratulations and once again, offer my hand in an opportunity and in that  Roman Reigns chose to cheap shot me. That's right cheer for that Roman Reigns pride made him cheap shot me and that cheap shot is why tonight Roman Reigns is no longer the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. See all of you should learn form this, this is a life lesson for each and every one of you. You're lives are defined by opportunities, the ones you seize and the ones you miss. Well let me introduce you to a man right now a man who knows how to seize opportunities. Let me introduce to you the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, the Celtic Warrior Sheamus." I looked at Joe who was so mad.


"Don't Jayla, just don't" I stopped as his harsh voice made me cringe. He watched them talk about him, down him. He got sick of it and seemed very happy that his music hit and I was kind of surprised he grabbed my hand as we walked out. He picked me up putting me over the barricade, before climbing over and going to the ring, as he held the rope for me Sheamus spoke.

"Hey, speaking of stupid it's the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Jayla you sure you wanna stay with that loser. Hey Roman, how's that pride thing working out for you." Rome smirked getting in his face.

"Congrats champ." he said as the crowd chanted his name "Guess what Nashville, I want my rematch tonight."

"Excuse me sorry to break this up." Steph said stepping between them as the classic 'Yes' chants started. "Here we go." She said waiting for it to end before she spoke again. "Well Roman I'll guess I'll have to ask you the same question as everyone else, how does it feel to want? Because you're opportunity to make demands with us was lost last night when you speared my husband."

"Listen princess every former champ has an automatic rematch clause, or do we need to have some lawyers go visit sweet little daddy dearest." I said looking at her. Steph glaring at me.

"I'll tell you what I want and that's for you to back up and get the hell out of my ring." Joe looked around us staring at H.

"What is this H, you hiding behind her because you're scared of me?" Steph glanced over her shoulder before we both stepped aside. H and Rome staring one another down, Rome taking a step towards him while the crowd cheered loudly. This was more than some scripted promo for an orchestrated show. As H raised the mic Rome got in his face making him pause, hell even Sheamus wasn't really sure what to do.

"Yeah, you speared me last night, congratulations. How'd that work you for you? You got a whole lot to show for it. That's why you are no longer the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and as far as your rematch goes, you will get your rematch when I say you get you're rematch, and it sure as hell won't be tonight." He said glaring at Rome before they turned to leave. As they did I heard the crowd and saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I grabbed Rome who pushed me out of the way taking the hit from Rusev. I bent down checking on him as he pushed me back.

"Go Jayla."


"Jayla go." He said urging me out of the ring. Reluctantly I did as he asked knowing it wasn't going to end well and got out. Upon doing so Sheamus brogue kicked Rome. As they smirked and Rusev yelled at Rome taunting him I got back in the ring kneeling next to him. I helped him sit up as they got out meeting up with H and Steph at the top of the ramp.

"Yeah that pride, that pride is a bitch ain't it Roman." H said as Rome angrily got back at his feet glaring. I had to admit he did look pretty hot when he was angry. "You get you're rematch, you will get you're rematch in three weeks at the TLC pay per view in a tables, ladders and chairs match."

"Oh and just one more thing Roman." Steph said adding to the conversation. "The closest you're going to get to this championship is when Sheamus is wearing it in the corner of your opponent tonight, the Bulgarian Brute Rusev." She stated as the smirked at the top of the ramp.

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