One more time

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"Can we talk?" I sighed looking at him.

"We are at work we need to handle our conversation after work."


"What Joe! I don't want to talk about this here, we are at work we need to be professional not bring our failure of a personal life into it."

"You think we're a failure." He said softly making me sigh

"No but it is pretty fucked up with all the drama and last night sure didn't help." I said grimacing as a pain hit and Joe immediately noticed, tears coming back into his eyes.

"God, I am so sorry." I watched as my tough strong love broke, a tear falling from his face. I stepped forward wiping his eyes.

 I stepped forward wiping his eyes

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"Please don't cry."

"How can I, I hurt you, and I turned into the one thing you never wanted and I hurt and destroyed something beautiful we created because my anger."

"I never want to hear you compare yourself to that asshole again. You will never be like him, ever." I said upset he would ever compare himself to Dre or anything he had done or been.

"Did he ever make you loose a child." Joe said softly, I couldn't respond to it and Joe knew it. "Exactly." I grabbed his face kissing him making him shut up. I felt him hold my hips softly rubbing his thumb in circles before I pulled away.

"I still don't want you to compare yourself to him, what happened was a terrible terrible accident, you didn't deliberately do that to me to hurt me, you wanted to hurt Paul and I got in the way, everything he did he did knowing and wanting to hurt me. I am very pissed off with you and yes I am hurt but I still love your stupid ass, just Joe you scared me last night; who I saw when I looked at you was not you; and honestly the way you spoke to me killed me it hurt to hear you speak to me like that and the look on your face."

"I know and I apologize, I'm so sorry baby." I hugged him sighing into his chest as he rested his head on mine.

"I know, thank you for the flowers, they were pretty."

"Steph said you weren't coming why are you here."

"I wanted to work and keep my mind off everything."

"Should you be here though, it's clear it hurt, bad."

"It really does." I said chuckling.

"Got medicine."

"Yes, but I don't like taking it"

"Will you for me."

"I guess." I watched Joe give me a bottle of water as I took my pain medicine. I hated medication, I guess because my dad was so strung out when I was growing up I never liked medicine or pills or anything. Hell I had two kids and the pain meds they give you afterwards I barley took, I only took them when the pain was so bad I couldn't take it anymore and usually by that point they didn't really help me. Dre usually took them and sold them since I didn't use them.  I didn't realize how long Joe and I sat talking a bit but mostly just in silence until Dogg walked up to us, an annoyed look on his face as he glanced at Joe.

"Stop." I said looking at him

"You're up." He said walking off. I knew with what happened Joe unintentionally had heat with some of the guys because of me. Everyone knew it was an accident that he didn't mean to hurt me but was still mad that I did get hurt. The whole roster was starting to get annoyed with the bullshit those two were going through. Vince was at ringside and got in the ring, he was very pissed at the situation and had fined Joe a hell of a lot of money for flipping out.

"Get your ass out here!" He said as Rome's music hit and he walked out. I grabbed his hand as he walked down.

"I can tell you're intimidated, I got a certain presence about me I can't help." Joe looked at Vince like he was crazy while I tried not to laugh. "Look at you standing here while my son in law is back in Connecticut suffering and her, she is suffering but still standing foolishly by your side." Joe smirked at him and Vince glared.

"Don't give me that smile." He said sternly "So before I make up my mind, apologize." Joe looked at him shaking his head, he had already apologized to the one and only person he would in this situation and that was me and he wasn't saying it to anyone else. "I know what all this means to you don't give me that shake in the head, you want it; apologize. As a matter of fact get down on your hands and knees and apologize."

"I'm only getting on my knees if I'm asking her to marry me old man." Rome said harshly, the crowd cheering and me looking at him shocked.

"You know there was a time when I would beat an apology out of you. You think that's funny, that I can't do it right now." Vince said getting angry as Rome shook his head again. Vince put the mic down taking off his suit jacket. Before he did anything Sheamus walked out.

"Mr. McMahon please, excuse the interruption, it's not that I don't think you can take him, I just want the pleasure of beating an apology out of Roman Reigns myself." I ignored Sheamus and his crap spitting, as cool as he was he just irked me and his voice was kind of annoying, like Fran Dresher you liked her but damn was that voice annoying. Vince spoke telling Rome he had no chance in hell and Rome snatched the mic out of his hand.

"Why not, old man." Joe said looking at him "You used to always talk about how you had these grapefruits, sounds like you just got old shriveled up prunes now." I covered my mouth chuckling at his insult, Vince looking at me sharply before he glared at Rome. "Let's face it you're 70 years old and time is passing you by." He said shoving the mic back into Vince's arms

"You son of a bitch." He said making Joe smirk, I had to admit this whole 'bad boy ish good guy thing Joe was doing looked good and he looked good, those eyes and that damn smirk. "You've got your match, on one condition if you don't become WWE World Heavyweight Champion tonight, You're fired!" Vince went to shake his hand but instead kicked Joe in the balls making him drop to a knee. I bent rubbing his back because I knew that hurt and helped him up.

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