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The next morning I woke up calling my dad, I knew he wouldn't be busy right now probably just finishing up some bible study.

"Morning baby girl."

"Morning dad, I have a question for you."


"You know that building you own."

"Yes and so does my bank account."

"Let me buy it from you or rent it."

"What is going on in your head right now."

"I have an idea, I want to open some kind of place for youth, for them to be, to have fun, not get in trouble. Alex is an amazing artist and dancer, he could show kids that, Edoda knows so much and him and mom could share histories, show people horticulture, Becca was a good dancer too, I don't know."

"That is an amazing idea but why, what as you randomly thinking of that."

"I been trying to think of things for that building since your plan fell through and I know the cost of the damn place."

"Sweetheart I know when something is bothering you."

"I just, I'm looking at options for my future, I mean wrestling can't be forever."

"I know that trust me do I know that but seriously honey, what's bothering you."

"I, I'm just not sure this is where I should be."

"Jayla I will give it to you, just promise me you won't leave your dream job because of Paul."

"Ok dad."

"I love you kid."

"I love you too." I pulled the hone away as it beeped seeing Stephanie's name. "Dad, I'll talk to you later, Steph is calling me."

"K, have a good day."

"You too, give my babies love for me."


"Hey Steph."

"Hey sweetie, can you come by my room, we need to talk."

"Sure, let me order some breakfast-"

"I can do that."

"Thank you but I meant for Joe."

"Oh yeah." She said laughing. "I'm in suite 706, see you soon." I hung up ordering some breakfast for Joe and as I was writing a note I felt him stir.

"Morning handsome."

"Morning beautiful, everything ok?"

"Yeah, I have a meeting with Stephanie, I ordered you some room service."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, I'll see you later."

"Ok, If I'm not here probably at the gym, you ok?"

"Yeah." He nodded at me grabbing my face and kissing my. I sighed softly and felt him smirk against my lips.

"You gotta go."

"I know." He chuckled kissing my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too Joe." I kissed him again before walking out and heading to Steph and Paul suite. As I knocked on the door he opened it, I kept the eye roll from happening as I looked at him.

"I have a meeting with your wife."

"It's with both of us." He said stepping aside and letting me in. I saw Steph siting at the table, a laptop out and paperwork. I hugged her before sitting down.

"What's going on?"

"Well we received an offer, Nike is wanting to work with you."

"Me, why me."

"They are getting ready to launch and start a new campaign called N7, and they want you as an ambassador. The collection is inspired by Native Culture and they want to bring sports and its benefits to Native Communities, I'm not going to lie I think it is a great opportunity and they are smart wanting you."

"Steph is right Jayla, I know you are pretty pissed at me but Nike sees what you do, you are so involved in not just your Native community but in spreading awareness and activation everywhere, you speak about issues and participate in events, you use your platform to bring awareness to indigenous issues, what you do is pretty amazing kid."

"Thank you, so what do I do."

"You would have a photo shot with Nike, as well as film a commercial for them."

"Ok, it sounds like something fun to be associated with, especially since they are wanting to help out local communities and kids; did you guys know Nike has a Native American division."

"We didn't until they called." Steph replied smiling

"The seven, it's regarding the 7 generations isn't it?" I asked as they both looked at one another smiling and Paul chuckled softly.

"Yes, it is." I spoke with them regarding the campaign some more and we had a conference call with Nike who were surprised I had known what I did about the company as it really isn't widespread knowledge and they confirmed with Paul that I was without a doubt the right choice to help with their campaign. I even got them to let Alex help who had grudgingly modeled before, I even mentioned my idea for dad's building to everyone and asked if Nike would help stock a store in an area of the building as well as support the local rez schools sports teams. I was happy they agreed and after called my parents to talk more about it.


I was finishing up lifting some weight when Jayla bounced happily into the gym hugging Kofi and the guys as she walked by.

"You are awfully happy, take it things went well."

"They went fantastic, I'm a spokesperson for a new Nike campaign centered around Native culture whose proceeds go to Native kids and communities." I watched her with pride as she spoke happily about everything that had happened, I was proud Nike wanted her they were huge and the fact she got them to assist her own community and help kids out I was pretty proud of her.

"Damn, you did good baby, really good." I said thinking about her operating a business had me look at her. "When did that happen?"

"Um dad has had a property a few years, it's basically just an extra bill but I thought of an idea for it and am going to work to gt it off the ground, I think it will be good."

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