Honeymoon Pt 1

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Getting to Hawaii it was very humid. I smiled as we both got lei's. Walking to the car I looked at Joe.

"I got laid."

"Funny, that's my job."He said kissing my head. We had rented a jeep and I let Joe drive. We got to our place and it was so pretty, right on the beach. It was a small amazing villa on the beach. After the long flight we both took an hour nap. After I got ready tossing on a skirt and top that matched and was tropical.

Joe had said we were going to dinner, I barely had on makeup and walked out sliding on some sandals

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Joe had said we were going to dinner, I barely had on makeup and walked out sliding on some sandals. Joe had a white shirt on, his hair up and he turned smiling brightly.

"Damn you are beautiful." He said kissing me softly.

"Thank you. So where are we going?"

"Heard there's a luau, thought it be fun to go."

"That sounds amazing, I've always wanted to go to one." I said as we started the small walk to where we needed. It was amazing, first the food was great and so fresh, I tried poi it was a bit odd but good, definitely an acquired taste for sure. My favorite was probably the pork to be honest. I made a headband of flowers. They had an aera to make lei's or you could make a bracelet or headband, or a shell necklace. Joe and I took a turn at the set up station to make poi, so cool. There were stories,  loved stories. Given my Cherokee background there were always so many stories, folklore and it was amazing to hear some about different cultures and areas. There was fire dancing and hula. I even tried it, smiling at Joe who was sitting watching me with a huge smile on his face. I was surprised at how good I was, even a couple of the girls commented on it. After a long night things started to wind down and Joe pulled me to walk along the beach with him, both of us sliding our shoes off holding them in one hand, the other holding each other. It was beautiful and peaceful here, the soft warm sand, the cool water, peaceful sound. I could totally live here.

"This was fun." I said softly.

"It was." Joe said kissing my head. "What are you thinking about?"

"How much I like it here, I could live here, wanna buy a house?"

"We are about to have 3 homes and you want another?" Joe said chuckling. We had our home in Florida and I had the house on the rez and we had built one on part of dad's property.

"It sounds crazy but yes, we don't need anything too crazy, something for vacations. We could always rent it out when we aren't here."

"Maybe." He said stopping. I stopped looking up at him, it may have been pretty dark but there was light, it was amazing how bright the moon was. Joe bent his head kissing me. One hand sliding to my waist and the other tangling in my hair holding the back of my head.

"Mmm." I moaned quietly as he smirked against my mouth, his lips and tongue continuing their assault. Joe's hands slid down grasping my butt before he slightly bent us and picked me up, my legs locking around his waist. I finally pulled back trying to suck in air, my lungs burning. Joe was breathing heavy but started trailing kisses on my neck and collarbone, a nip to my neck made me bite my lip choking back a moan as I tugged his hair, a groan coming from him. "Baby we gotta stop." He was already hard, the feel of him turning me on. He pulled me harder against him rotating his hips. "Joe." I said pulling him to look at me, his eyes dark and stormy, pupils completely dilated with lust. "As much as I want to let you fuck my brains out right now, I am not trying to get covered in sand in places it has no business being in." Joe looked up at me smirking as he sat me down. I went to turn when his hand on my arm stopped me. Turning to look at him I watched him take off his shirt off. "Ulilohi" Joe laid his shirt on the ground looking at me.

"Come here."


"Sau ii." (come here) Joe said repeating himself. I walked towards him and shrieked as he jerked me down into his lap.


"Shh." He said kissing my neck. His hands sliding up my legs.

"Baby, someone could see us."

"You see anyone around?"

"Babe-" I gasped as I felt a harsh tug, Joe trying to tear off the underwear I was wearing. "Joe." I moaned softly, Joe's chest reverberating with a growl as I tugged his hair. Looking around we were still alone. I reached between us undoing his pants, I moved, settling on him as his grip on my hips tightened as we both moaned, Joe kissing me passionately.

"Fuuuck" Joe moaned out. With the quiet stillness around us it seemed like we were so loud, but maybe part of that was just my nerves on getting caught. It seemed like all I could hear was our heavy breathes and throaty moans and groans with the waves crashing against the shore.  "You feel so fucking good Jayla." I pulled my lips from his neck moaning softly in his ear. I rotated my hips, nipping at the spot on his neck that drove him crazy. "Ah fuck Jayla." He groaned gripping my ass pulling me to him. I smirked knowing he wasn't going to last much longer and the way he felt, truthfully neither was I. "Please-" I heard his quiet plea but moaned as he kissed my exposed breast from him moving. I rotated my hips again Joe moaning as he pulled my hair with one hand, his eyes on mine. "I love you."

"I-fuc I love you too." The look on his face, eyes closed, biting his lip trying to keep in his load moan as he lost it had me falling right behind him. "Holy shit." I muttered quietly. After a few minutes Joe tapped my leg, I stood, making sure my dress was ok as he stood up, slipping his shirt back on after adjusting his pants. I watched as he took his hair down, running his fingers through it. He slipped his arm over my shoulder as we walked back to our spot. Getting there we hopped in the shower. I washed my face, feeling his eyes on me the whole time. Getting in I leaned into him as he ran his hands over my body. "Joe."

"I could do this all day."


She was pushed against the tile, I grabbed her face turning her head towards me as I kissed her, her back arching as I pulled her against me. She felt so damn good, I wasn't lying I could do this all day, all night. Everything about my wife was perfect. Just the thought of her being my wife had me ready to burst again. I thrust into her a little rougher, groaning as I felt her tighten around me.

"You're close."


"Fuck." I moaned out, the way she would say my name drove me fucking crazy.

"Mmm daddy." Her moan made me falter, she hardly ever said that but damn,  I grabbed her hips slamming into her harder as she dropped her head onto the wall in front of her moaning loudly. Feeling her tighten around me had me cumming right behind her. I kissed her back and shoulder, coming down from a high. I smirked as she pouted as I pulled out.

"That's cute."

"Hmm." She said still dazed.

"You, pouting everytime I pull out."

"You feel good."

"So do you wifey." I wrapped a towel around her rubbing her arms.

"Joe, I am tired."

"I know."

"Then let me dry off because you somehow are making something so simple so damn erotic."

"Oh so I'm turning you on?"

"Yes." She said blushing. I smirked kissing her head as I finished drying off and tossed on some underwear. I laid in the bed a few minutes later her joining me. A tank top and shorts covering her frame. I pulled her into my arms.

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