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My three parents that were present as well as my brothers and Anthony showed up at my house.

"You deserve to relax, I'll cook." Mom said hugging me. "I am so proud of you baby. You are so strong. Your Eduda is with you."

"Thank you, for everything."

"I love you."

"I love you too mom." Her hand came up brushing my face gently as she wiped my eyes.

"No more tears, you have shed enough."

"I'm going to change." I walked up stairs walking into Joe and I's bedroom. I grabbed some pajama pants and top and walked in my bathroom. I got in the shower and started washing off. I felt my eyes water and dropped the loofa I had as I slid to the ground crying.


I walked upstairs leaving Shawn and John to continue speaking. It was really hard on them seeing their daughter go through everything. I knew her mom was hurting too but I can see where Jayla got her toughness from, yeah her dads were tough but Maria was one of the strongest women I had met. Walking into our room I heard the shower. I was getting ready to walk out when I heard a noise and turned around walking into our bathroom. I saw her sitting on the floor, her arms wrapped around her knees as she had her head on her arms. I knew she was crying and I walked into the bathroom opening the shower door and pulling her into my arms. I didn't care about the water soaking through my clothes. She sat not acknowledging me but I sat holding her. I didn't need to ask what was wrong, I already knew what was wrong, it was him, it was Dre and everything surrounding him and this case.

I always hated when she cried, even before we dated I hated seeing her upset in any way and this, knowing there really wasn't anything I could do killed me. It made me feel inadequate and helpless. I felt my eyes water sitting listening to her tears which were clear to me over the water. I couldn't help but let my tears out silently as I held her, anger, sadness, frustration, helplessness. I felt the water start to get cool and I reached up turning off the shower. I stood up when I heard a knock on the bathroom door.


"Dinner is done."

"Thanks Shawn, we'll be down soon."

"Ok." I gently peeled off my soaked clothes tossing them on the floor. I would worry about it later. I grabbed a towel before I bent picking her up. Wrapping her in my arms I dried off her body. She was in a daze and I saw the look in her eyes, she was on a different planet and tears were still dropping silently from her eyes. I gently pulled her clothes onto her body before lifting her in my arms. I sat her on our bed as I grabbed some clothes for myself. I tossed the clothes on before grabbing a comb and combing through her hair. I then pulled my hair out and redid the bun I had.

"Aulelei." I said touching her face watching as she flinched slightly before her eyes darted to mine and she relaxed into my touch. "Dinner is done."

"I'm not hungry." She whispered quietly.

"I know but you have to eat something baby."

She reluctantly got up and I held her hand kissing her hand gently. We walked downstairs and I saw her pause as her family glanced at her. Her mom handed her a plate and I saw Jayla walk out to the sitting area that was covered on our porch. She sat the plate down and grabbed a blanket wrapping it around her. I sighed watching her as I wiped my hand over my face

"It'll be ok honey, it may take awhile but she'll get better." Maria said touching my arm.

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