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In a matter of weeks shit went downhill and fast, my godfather had recruited Dave and Randy to help him as he screwed over me and more importantly my friends. The Shield were in handicap matches or getting jumped constantly, they were being stiffed to hell and had a match at Extreme rules against Evolution that was set up to inflict as much pain as could be bestowed on my boyfriend and teammates. They had filmed a CCTV segment at the hotel showing Rome and I and then showed us backstage. They first showed it on Raw and were doing it again. The footage from the hotel was of us kissing and then showed pictures of us holding hands or kissing, our backstage segment was us explaining it to the guys. They set the storyline up as it being all my fault and since Rome and I were together The Shield as a unit was going to pay for it. My dad and Uncle Kev hell all of the Kliq had tried to talk my hardheaded godfather out of this but he wasn't having it, and he was spitting so much bullshit to Vince he was eating it up and not even listening to Steph who was trying to reason with him. It was simple to him either Joe and I split up or they would pay for it until.


"Yo what is this?"

"What's going on, this why this shit is happening?" Dean and Seth both said busting in the room. Joe and I were standing close and jumped and when I tried to move he kept his arm around me.

"Look we been together for months, I love her." He stated looking at them.

"I'm sorry this is happening because of us but he means the world to me." They looked at one another before looking back to us.

"Alright. Ride or die we're in this together." Seth said sticking out his fist.

"Just next time a little warning." Dean said chuckling before he put his fist out Rome and I following. We went to where we always did to enter, the elevator ride up making me claustrophobic since we were alone I looked to them.


"Don't Jayla, quit beating yourself up about this, we got this." Before I could respond the doors open. Joe gently guiding me out, when the music started he kissed me before we went through the curtain. Colby and Dean went first, followed by myself and Rome, who was holding my hand in his. As we made it down he picked me up putting me over the barrier. Before they got in the ring he grabbed me kissing me, the crowd popping while I heard my uncle going nuts in the ring. Hell even Ric my uncles mentor had tried to talk some since into him and had on Raw said he sided with the Shield, shocking everyone.

"Don't do this." I said looking to my uncle who was scowling at us. Dave and Randy were just going with it but I could see their hesitation, they didn't exactly want to be in this position but we all knew they would never not back him.

"Jay, move we got this." I glanced over my shoulder, my boys ready and willing to fight for me even when I didn't want this to happen. The ref rung the bell looking at me and telling me I had to leave the ring or he'd ban me. I turned putting out my fist to my brothers who all bumped it before I moved. The minute my feet touched the floor the six went right after each other. My boys in no time knocked the three members of Evolution to the floor while I hopped in the ring against wishes cheering.

"First battle to the Shield." I heard Cole say on commentary.

"I think they are all stupid, this is career suicide and for what? Jayla Michaels and Roman Reigns love affair." JBL said making me roll my eyes, I got out of the ring letting the match continue. Seth started against H and was dominating, he knocked him out of the ring and did a dive knocking him down and ramming himself into the barricade but he hopped up like it never happened.

"Leave my sister alone!" He yelled hopping up. I smiled in pride watching him. Colby and Dean were like the brothers that I didn't get, I only had a younger brother and a step brother my age, but I was their little sister and damn did they let that be known every chance they got.

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