Crash and Burn

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I sat in Steph's office as her Shane, Paul and Carrano looked at me. I was kind of nervous, what did I do?

"Ok, you guys are worrying me, what's wrong?"

"Jayla, Money in the Bank Joe is losing his title and being suspended."

"What! Why?"

"Jayla, he failed." Carrano said looking at me.

"Failed? Failed what?"

"His test Jay, he failed the wellness test and is being suspended." Steph said looking at me.

"No, no he didn't. Joe doesn't do anything like that, he isn't like that."

"Babygirl, it's true. I'm sorry." Paul said grabbing my hands.

"Is this a joke, are you fucking with us again."

"No." Looking at all of them I saw how deathly serious they were and knew it was true. I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

"How? What?" I mumbled softly.

"That is something you are going to have to ask him." I couldn't believe this was happening, I felt hurt. He had been lying to me and keeping something so big from me.

"How long has he known?"

"He found out a few days ago, we just got the results and informed him."

Something like this was a very big deal to me; and Joe was thoroughly aware of it. I had spent a huge portion, most of my life watching my father battle addiction, being fucked up and he knew how I felt about that shit; yet he was doing it and I had no clue and didn't know how long it was going on for. I mumbled a thanks and walked out. I felt numb as I walked to the locker room we had. The more I thought about it the angrier I was becoming. My fiancé, the man I was supposed to spend my life with had been deceiving me. I opened his door harshly seeing him on the couch talking with Jon and Josh. I walked up and he opened his mouth but no word got out as I slapped him harshly.

"Damn!" Jon said jumping up and grabbing me.

"What the fuck was that for?" Joe questioned angrily.

"You know good and damn well what the fuck that was for!" I yelled back. "Are you fucking stupid? How could you do this bullshit!"


"How fucking long Leati?"


"How fucking long!" I screamed "You lied to me."

"Jayla baby."

"Don't touch me." I said jerking away from him. "What are you on?"

"Will you sit down?"

"No, tell me the truth, I deserve that."

"Since my nose got shattered." He said softly. I stared at him wide eyed as his words sunk in. That was in February, 4 months. He had asked me to marry him but was hiding doing drugs behind my back.

"What are you doing?"

"I took Adderall"

"Really, why? you don't have ADHD, What else?" Joe got quiet not looking at me. "Is there anything else?"

"Pain pills."

"Is that all?"


"You lied to me. God I am such an idiot, how did I not see all the signs." I said thinking of the times he seemed kinds tired or was a little tensed out and short tempered. I should have noticed it and I was blind. "You lied to me."

"I haven't lied to you Jayla."

"Keeping information and being deceitful is the same damn thing." I felt tears in my eyes as everything came crashing down. I had a question in my head I knew I needed an answer too but I was scared to hear. "Were you fucked up around our kids?" He sat down rubbing his face not answering me. "Answer me!" I screamed chocking on tears.

"I-" He sighed looking at me with tears in his eyes and I knew the answer.

"YOU WERE FUCKED UP AROUND OUR KIDS! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I said smacking him again. I blew up knowing he had that shit and was like that around our children. Knowing all too well from first hand experience what that was like. Hell there was a time in Europe I had kept dad and the guys from getting arrested, a story Scott had shared before they were in an alley about to smoke weed and police came by they had some they were rolling on a ledge and I quickly grabbed it before it was seen.

"Don't fucking keep hitting me Jayla."

"Shut up! I, are you crazy or stupid, how dare you do that around them, be fucked up around them. Someone could have gotten hurt! You could have died! Do you not get how serious this is! You're daughter deserves better than to have you fucked up around her. That could screw her up Joe. Jojo is an amazing little girl who needs her father not a drug addict, what the hell where you thinking."

"I didn't mean too."

"Bullshit! If you didn't mean to you never would have done it." I let a tear fall I as looked down on the lie that was wrapped around my finger. I slipped off my ring causing Joe's head to shoot up.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't do this. I can't be with you."

"Jayla what are you talking about?"

"Relationships are built on trust; something we apparently don't have."

"We have-"

"Joe you know how I feel about that shit, what my thoughts are, what I went through. You made a promise to me when we first started talking, you told me you would never be like that. I ended a friendship with someone over them doing drugs. I watched my dad spend the majority of my life battling an addiction. You." I said stopping as I felt a few tears fall. "You said you would never do that to me, I wouldn't have to worry about it. Yet here we are, you have been lying to me for months, I can't go through this again. I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me. And I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't"

"Jayla I trust you more than anyone-"

"No you don't, if you did you would not have kept something like this from me. I would have been there for you, I would have helped you! I would have went to hell and back for you, I have been though it for you. Anything you asked I would have given you. We- I was supposed to be your wife, I just, why did you feel like you couldn't trust me?"

"Jayla I do trust you."

"Why didn't you come to me then!"

"I was ashamed."

"If that was the case you wouldn't have been doing this for four months and lying to me. If I wouldn't have found out because you failed, would you have told me." Joe's silence spoke volumes to me. He never planned on saying anything.

"I didn't think it would get out of hand. I'm not fucked up all the time, just every now and then to take the edge off, ease the pain." I took my ring placing it in his hands.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I love you; but I cannot sit by while you destroy yourself, I refuse to go through that ever again in my life. I'm sorry you didn't care enough to let me, your fiancé, into your life. I- I can't marry you Joe, we're over."

"You can't be serious. Don't do this Jayla."

"I didn't do anything, you did." I said looking at him as tears fell from my eyes. I turned walking out tears falling from my eyes as I heard him kick something.

A/N please don't hate me or start coming with torches. There's a method to the madness and craziness I promise but this chapter was done a while back, I wanted to keep it because the suspension this was something that was gonna happen because of what the character has been through. If you guys would like I will post an extra chapter or two today ❤️❤️

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