Need a Friend

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Dragging myself to the Women's locker room I saw Trin and started sobbing. All she did was hug me and sit me down letting me cry on her. Playing with my hair and whispering that it would be ok in my ear.

"I was finally happy Trin, we were happy; why did he do this?"

"I don't know baby, I don't know. He was good at hiding it though because none of us knew anything about it." I heard a knock on the door and saw Jon standing there. He kissed Trin before walking to me.


"I swear to god if you're here to stick up for him-"

"I'm not, I'm sorry." He said hugging me. "I wish I had known, we just found out."

"Why would he do this to us Jon? Why?"

"I don't know heartbreaker, I don't know."

Sunday came and went and Seth came back from his injury beating Rome cleanly for the title. Before everyone left we were all called to a meeting. Sitting next to Trin Colby was rubbing my back, my support system was around me knowing I was going through a hard time. I know the twins cared but it still hurt seeing them because they were not only Joe's family but his best friends. I looked up lifting my head off of Trin as Joe walked into the room.

"We called this meeting today because someone has something they need to say. Joe go ahead." Paul said as Joe stood up.

"Look I think I owe everyone here an apology. I have been given an amazing opportunity and I have wasted it. I'm supposed to be a leader in the locker room and I let everyone down and I apologize for my actions. It was stupid and uncalled for." He stopped looking directly at me. "Jayla, I'm sorry. Not only did I let you down as a friend but as a significant other. I broke a promise I made a long time ago to you and sorry does not fix it, but I still owe you it and I love you; I hope you can forgive me one day and I am sorry for hurting us."

I bit my lip as I felt tears come to my eyes. I was hurt, angry, embarrassed and I couldn't be in this room, with everyone. I hated all the eyes, the looks. I stood up pulling away from Trin and Colby and ignoring Jon and Joe both saying my name as I quickly walked out the door. I walked outside sitting on a wall as I let myself breakdown a little.

"Yo , heartbreaker; you good?" I jumped wiping my face roughly as I looked at Colby.

"Go away."

"No, you need a friend and when I was down and out you were there for me."

"Colby, please." I said crying. Colby sighed walking up to me and hugging me. My head was on his shoulder as I sobbed and he rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry you gotta go through this after all the shit you guys have had to deal with." You could hear the pain in his voice, we were close and all of this happening was affecting our friends and family too. Colby was like a brother too me, we were both born the same year him being a few months older; I was always the baby in the Shield so they protected me more and were big brothers to me.

"Jayla!" I looked up as Colby moved keeping his arm on me as Jon and Trin walked up. Seeing Jon made me cry more.

"Jon, baby I think you need to go and let me handle this." Trin said kissing him. Jon walked up kissing my head.

"I got you tuafafine." (sister)

A couple of days later WWE broke the story and said they suspended him. I give the man credit for owning up to it and issuing an apology. What got me though was his message.

'I apologize to my family friends and fans for violating the Wellness Policy. I made a mistake and I own it. To the love of my life I am sorry for bringing you so much hurt and I love you more than words can describe.'

I was at Raw getting used to him not being here. He had tried calling me but I didn't answer and after a few days I guess he gave up. It hurt so much and the fact everything was changing for me. They were using this time to have me solo and it was a change from always valeting him. I was taking this new found opportunity, I was changing my gear, part of my entrance, my music. I was even going to dye my hair soon and do a galaxy look to it. I bumped into Colby backstage as I was heading back from catering.

"You owe me a chocolate chip cookie Rollins." I said looking at him. As my cookie fell on the floor.

"I got you kid, you ok?"

"Yeah, how's your knee?"

"Good. Thank you, and for checking on me while I was out. By the way you are a shitty liar."

"I've been there." I said ignoring his remark. I had visited Colby and spoke to him a bit while he was out. He had torn his ACL, and MCL and had surgery. At first Joe had been pissed we were trying to find a house and I kept going to Iowa but I explained Colby had the exact same injury I did, it was déjà vu for me and I felt like it would help him to have someone be there. Lift him up, I knew firsthand what he was going through.

I was shocked sitting in the locker room that night watching the show. Seth was currently out there and was being so harsh about Joe and him violating the policy. He really wasn't taking no punches.

"I'm embarrassed, but you know who is more embarrassed? That's right Roman your fiancé is embarrassed. You strung her along knowing damn well what she saw her father go through and now she has you to deal with, that is a slap in the face. Roman doesn't deserve a second chance. Roman Reigns doesn't deserve forgiveness and most importantly he doesn't deserve a woman like Jayla Michaels."

Dean came out looking kind of mad and got in the ring with Seth.

"Dude what is all this about? Is this really about Roman, or is it about me having this." He said holding his title. "Yeah, Roman made a mistake, we all make mistakes. I used to be friends with you, that was a huge mistake, Jayla is still friends with you; not sure why but that's a mistake. I mean dude come on; you wear skinny jeans. That's a huge mistake." Dean said as the crowd laughed. "Roman made a mistake, he owned up to it and he apologized, he owned it, I mean unless he's gonna borrow New Day's time machine, I don't know what else anybody can do about it. I'm not worried about it. I'm looking to Battleground."

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