Nowhere Near Done

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I was dancing on Joe who kept running his fingers over my exposed skin sending shivers down my spine. My body warm from the drinks yet shivering from his touch, that and the kisses he kept ghosting over the back of my neck was driving me insane. turning I kissed him rotating my hips on his as he groaned in my mouth, puling back his eyes were clouded from drinking yet were lust filled.

"You're drunk." He said more a statement rather than a question

"Little tipsy, no where near drunk." I said bending my head kissing the weak spot on his neck.

Since I was tipsy I slowed down the drinks because once I had a buzz I was good. Soon enough midnight hit and as time counted own Joe turned kissing me, after he pulled back he smiled.

"Happy New Year beautiful."

"Happy New Year." After a little longer of partying Joe and I got a uber a hotel.

I really didn't wanna stay with his ex because what I wanted to do she did not need to hear what I wanted to do to him. I could tell he was tipsy because the whole car ride and elevator ride he kept rubbing his hands all over me, in the elevator he pushed me into he corner grabbing my ass as he kissed me. I tried to suppress my moan but it didn't work and I felt him smirk against my lips. I pushed him off as I heard the elevator ding signifying we had made it to our floor. The whole way to the room he kept pulling my body back into his, his hands gripping my hips. Walking in the room Joe pushed me gently against the wall his lips meeting mine before he slid his hands down  the exposed part of my back to my ass lifting me up, my legs immediately locking around his waist.

"I could rip this off of you, but I like it." He huskily stated, lips going to my neck as I pulled his shirt off him, my hands trailing to his belt as he chuckled against my skin. I felt him move a hand to his pants and a few seconds later he slid into my body causing me to gasp harshly as my head drop to his shoulder. It had only been a few weeks but damn it was like I forgot his size, him moving slowly but deeply my body slowly adjusting as he had my dress bunched around my waist at this point. quiet grunts in my ear.

"You ok?" I nodded against his shoulder not trusting my voice. A particularly well thrust caused me to let out a strangled moan while tugging his hair, the strands loosening from the well groomed bun he had it in. I cried out my head falling back against the wall as my eyes rolled back. The pleasure he was sending throughout my body with every move of his hips was driving me blissfully insane, the air in the room hot with the passion being released in it.

"You feel fucking incredible" he groaned against my collar bone, ghosting kisses and tongue pausing from my skin, my nails raking over his exposed back causing him to grunt not just in pleasure but a little bit of pain as well. I could feel my stomach tightening my body begging for a release the coil tightening with each thrust Joe gave that made him brush against my g-spot. I kissed him our mouths sloppily melding as his thrust were a bit rougher. He groan as I tugged on his lip before I tossed my head back crying out as my orgasm washed over me Joe grunting my name meeting his own release moments later. He stayed his head against my chest as we both came back to earth. I grabbed my dress pulling it over my head as he moved us from the wall and laid us on the bed, the hazy feeling of the liquor in my system finally getting to me.


I dropped her gently on the bed, my eyes raking over her body that was glistening lightly with sweat. She looked wore out, dazed and I knew she was fully feeling the drinks we had, I was to but I hope she didn't think I was anywhere near finished with her. I had been scared for a few weeks to touch her, afraid of hurting her again, not feeling like I deserved to touch her after what I had done but looking at her I wondered why, she loved me and I loved her and that's all that mattered. She looked up at me through dazed tired eyes. a smirk gracing my lips as I watched her shudder at my voice.

"I hope you don't think I was anywhere near done babygirl." I said licking my lips. I grabbed her rolling her over before kissing down her spine, the taste of salt on my lips from her sweat slicked body. Every swipe of my tongue up her back she would moan out softly. I smiled against her skin as she cried out as I slid back inside her, yeah it was bout to be a long night.

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