Make it Home

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Joe got up taking his dishes and putting them in the dish washer. I sat thinking about what he said, truthfully I forgave him a while back I was just scared, but thinking over everything especially Kev's words ringing in my head, he was right I was just making us more miserable. I cleaned up my dishes seeing Joe on the back deck, sitting in the huge swing I wanted, a beer in hand. I smiled sitting down next to him, accepting the offer to take some of his drink before handing it back. There was a grill and outside bar, a big ass pool with a Plexiglas fence, something we had talked about so the kids couldn't get in or break it and even a fire pit. I felt my eyes water, he not only got our dream house, he had in a small amount started to turn it into our dreams. Even after everything

"This is really beautiful."

'Thank you, I had to ask my mom about planting flowers and stuff because I have no clue, so her and your dad and Becca came and helped."


"Yeah, I asked them not to tell you, figured this would be a surprise in case I ever got you back."

Joe and I hung outside for a while before going in and playing some video games. I also ordered to pickup some stuff to decorate, and saved some pictures to print off and hang. I also decided to decorate our room considering Joe got a basic comforter and that was it, other than that it was plain.

Joe and I spent the next couple days making the house actually look like it was lived in, not some show home. I picked out stuff for the kitchen, organized the pantry designed the master room and bath and guest  room. and we finished getting equipment for the gym. Joe decided to grill for dinner as I finished up the bedroom. In the few weeks I'd been here, helping him, we had silently in a way picked things up where it was left. Getting up I saw a box on the dresser, it looked, I opened it and it was my ring, I stared at it, damn it was beautiful, he had done such a good job. It was crazy how after so long, something terrible happened, made me and Joe come together and somehow everything silently feel back to place, we hadn't talked about us but it felt nice, being around him again, waking up next to him. I went to put the box back when his voice made me jump.

"Keep it, it's yours."

"You scared me."

"Sorry, looks good in here."

"Thank you, dinner done?"

"Yeah." Joe grabbed the box from me taking the ring out and grabbing my hand putting it on me. I looked at my hand before meeting his eyes. Joe kissed my hand as he grabbed me kissing me softly. Joe pulled back keeping his arms around me as we walked outside, a small gasp leaving my mouth. The patio table had flowers and candles and he had the outside string lights on, I turned looking at him smiling as he held my chair out.

"Thank you." I said kissing him.



Dinner was good and she couldn't keep the smile off her face, nor did she stop me from putting her ring back where it always belonged; on her hand. I would never be able to thank her enough for being here for me, the minute she found out she literally dropped everything to be with me. Her devotion for me during this made me love her more, yeah we needed to talk but I was fine with how things were. This house finally didn't feel like a ghost of what I lost haunting me but felt like home, she came in and handled everything, there were pictures of us, the kids, family all up, the kitchen looked like it was actually used; often. Everything looked amazing, how we had talked about. I cleaned up after dinner grabbing a beer for the both of us as I walked back out. She was curled on the outside oversized couches. I sat next to her kissing her head as she automatically moved her body to lay against me. We had to leave in the morning to make Raw and she still had to stop in Orlando to get her stuff from Shawn's.

My match with Balor went well, I was thinking about seeing if she would valet me again, but it was nice she was getting matches without being part of the Shield, or Roman's girl, she was getting to shine on her own two feet alone, something she hadn't been aside from her very first match. She wasn't tied to anyone, she was able to shine. She crushed Alicia in their match, then again if the company would let her she could easily hack it with some of the guys, she was just that damn good. Getting home Jayla came with me asking Shawn to bring the kids, it had been entirely too long and the sound they made seeing me made me tear up.

"Dad!" They ran and I bent down grabbing them both. They weren't mine by blood but it didn't matter, they were mine by love.

"I missed you daddy."  I swallowed the knot in my throat

"I missed you too little man, and I missed you princess." I picked them up taking them in the house. They looked around in awe, running around. When they saw the backyard they would flip, a pool, swing set and trampoline with a net. A special picnic table with an umbrella and the seats went all the way around and a playhouse.

"Is this our house?" Lala questioned.

"Yea baby it is." Jayla said softly.

"Unicorns!" She said running int her room, she had a bed that the top was like a bunk bed and the bottom under it was a desk, Jojo had the same one. Lala had pink curtains since it was her favorite and a purple carpet. "I love it!"

"Jojo helped get it decorated for you."

"Can I call sissy and say thank you?" I nodded taking the phone out and calling Lina.

'Hey Joe."

"Hey, is Jojo around, Lala wants to talk to her."

"Sure hang on a sec." She yelled for Jo and in no time I saw my beautiful daughter's face.

"Hi daddy, momma said Catteleya wanted to talk to me." I handed the phone to Lala.

"Thank you sissy!" She screamed causing Jojo to smile. "I love my room, your the best."

"You're welcome."

"Will Ms Lina bring you over I miss you?"

"I'll ask mom, I miss you guys too Love you."

"Love you sissy."

"Love you, mwah." Apollo said getting i frame and blowing her a kiss.

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