One too Many Words

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The next morning I got dressed as she slept. She looked peaceful and I really hated to interrupt that. I wanted nothing more than to let her be peaceful but I knew I would have to wake her up soon to re-experience more hell. I made some toast for both of us, me not really being hungry either. I went and woke her up her slightly jumping and it felt like a stab to the gut.

"I'm not him, you are safe."


"Don't be, you have been through a lot, you are allowed to be scared." I watched her quietly walk around getting dressed. I could tell she was basically on autopilot at this point. Yesterday had taken a lot out of her and she had a nightmare last night. I woke up to her screaming and then when I woke her up she started crying. As a man, as her husband it was really weighing on me that she was having to deal with this. Getting to the courthouse I saw her family waiting for us. Shawn stood up hugging her.

"You look worried." John said grabbing my attention.

"Yeah, she had a nightmare, I'm just worry about her, she already dealt with this shit once it kills me she's doing it again, and I am getting frustrated because she keeps blaming herself like it's her fault or thinking someone is going to feel differently about her. I don't know what the hell it is going to take to give her back her confidence, make her know her worth and see that it isn't her fault."

"You are a good man. It's going to take awhile, I can tell she's holding in everything and she needs to let it out."

"Yeah, I keep trying to tell her that."

We walked in and I glared at Dre as he was brought into the courtroom. He still had that smug look on his face. I wanted so much to be able to knock it off his face. He had spent this whole time acting like it wasn't his fault, looking at her like an object. Subjecting her to more mental and emotional trauma.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"Yes your honor we have."

"Your honor before the verdict is read my client would like to say a few words."

"What is it you feel the need to say Mr. Parker." Dre turned looking dead at my wife as a sick smirk crossed his face.

"Well beautiful it's such a shame. I already know what they are about to say, let's face it the justice system has been set up to destroy people like me from the start. They see your little sob story and automatically feel bad for you. They never saw the way you always acted to me, the talking back, having an attitude. Things get hard and you left because my children are supposed to be spoiled brats and aren't allowed discipline. MY daughter should have stayed in her lane instead of trying to be involved in adult business. Then you left and started fucking that jacked up bitch. Tell me Joe how does it feel raising my kids, they will never be yours and when you look at them you will see me. But even more so how does it feel to have my used second hand pussy brah. That's my shit you get sloppy seconds, there will never be a time she doesn't think of me or you don't think of me being inside her, making that ass mine. She's mine and always will be, ain't that right shorty." I completely lost my shit and jumped up punching him. I knocked his punk ass out and then was on the floor. I knew I had fucked up but hearing his words I couldn't take it anymore and the fact he came for her, had the audacity to talk shit about her to her face I was done.


I watched as a sheriff handcuffed my husband.  Jerking him back up to his feet and I watched as Joe looked back at me sadly before he kicked out kicking an already unconscious Dre.

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