1:4 Hope Is Not The Goal

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Hope Is Not The Goal
Part 2

Hope Is Not The GoalPart 2————

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Lizzie turned to MG. "MG? i need your compulsion skills. Would you like to be, the Robin to my Batwomen?" Lizzie asked, which was very cringy.

"Actually, Batwomen doesn't have a Robin. She-" MG was cut off.

Lizzie groaned. "Metaphor, nerd. Let's go." Lizzie patted MG's chest, walking off with MG.


You, Landon and Hope walked down the corridor of the High School. "This is the senior hallway, where I spent much of my formative years stuffed in every locker... expect this one. That one doesn't open." Landon explained, putting his hand on the one that doesn't open. Why did he need to explain every single detail about this high school, there was nothing ever special about it. "On your left, you'll find the bathroom. It's where I had my first kill with a toilet." He stated.

Hope being Hope and having enough of this spoke up, causing us to stop in the middle of the hall way. "I'm sorry. Is that fact I'm not openly hostile to you make it seem like we're back to being friends?" You grabbed Hope's arms, your eyes questioning why she had to say that, she just shrugged.

Landon stood there in shock for a couple of seconds as Hope walked off. You followed after Hope and so did Landon. "Uh, sorry. Just, I was going for effortlessly natural. But this is all just making me really nervous. Like, the school and seeing Connor and being with you..." You chocked on air at the mention of his name, the bully that you had a crush on. Hope realised and stared at you with wide eyes but changed her demeanour back to annoyance when she looked at Landon.

Hope was quick to change subjects. "Shouldn't you be talking to anyone you know?" Hope questioned with a chuckle at the end.

"That's easier said than done." Landon replied. "There is no way Dana's clique is talking to me unless you have a spell that will make me retroactively cool." Landon rambled.

"Well," Hope cocked her head to the side. "I'll talk to them, then"

"It's even worse for you. Trust me. You have no idea how human high schools work." Landon paused and Hope rolled her eyes. "You're the new girl. Might as well be radioactive." We all looked over at a girl as she cut in.

"I'm sorry. You look traumatised. Are these losers bothering you?" The girl asked. You scrunched up your face as she called you a loser.

Hope took this as an opportunity for something. "He keeps trying to get me to buy his mis tape. She hasn't really said anything." Hope looked at you and Landon.

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