2:9 I Couldn't Have Done This Without You

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I Couldn't Have Done This Without You
Part 2

I Couldn't Have Done This Without YouPart 2————

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Landon didn't bother to stare at the five hundred year old vampire. "I was trying to keep everyone safe." He responded with a unlikable tone towards the vampire.

"And did it work?" He asked, being cocky. He didn't get a response though. "Mm. Not that you could have done anything anyway, of course, but if I had a sister that I loved was in danger, I would want to be able to protect her." He continued to be cocky and mean to Landon.

Landon finally looked over at Sebastian, looking at his side profile. He then shoved the playing ball into his stomach. "He'll play." Landon said to the werewolf pack, mainly to Jed.


Someone blows the whistle, allowing the werewolves to know the game has started. All the werewolves start running towards the balls while Sebastian vamp speeds to them and immediately grabs the first ball off the floor.

Everyone was throwing balls at each other, Sebastian vamp speeding around so that he doesn't get hit, only for some of his dodgeball teams to get hit instead. After catching a ball, throwing it, to which it bounced then the ball gets thrown back to him and gets lodged into the wall, Sebastian started getting cocky.

That was until a ball was thrown into his face earning a couple groans from the werewolves. Landon got worried and moved to Sebastian, Jed already next to him. Sebastian wiped his face while he picked up the dodgeball next to him and turned around, facing Jed.

He then started laughing. "Well played, my lupine friend." Sebastian stated, a smile on his face as he held out his hand for Jed to shake.

Jed looked down and gladly started shaking it. "Rematch anytime, bloodsucker." Jed replied.

The both of them laughed. "Anytime." Jed them moved from in front of Sebastian to walking off behind him. Sebastian then looked over at Landon. "This is fun!" Sebastian exclaimed to him.

He then threw the ball into Landons stomach, causing Landon to let out a winded groan from the impact.


You sat in the library, reading a book about the old founding families, especially the parts on the Lockwoods. It was lunch but you weren't hungry and wanted to find out more about your dad. What you found really interesting was that he was a druggie during most of tenth and eleventh grade.

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