1:12 There's A Mummy On Main Street

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There's A Mummy On Main Street
Part 2

There's A Mummy On Main StreetPart 2————

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Lizzie looked back and forth between Hopes eyes. Josie and you looked at the two fighting. "You mean the one that you set on purpose to sabotage our spring break trip with our dad? No, Hope. Why would I talk about that?" Lizzie sarcastically replied, angry.

"Dude," Hope started, pointing up a finger. "you've lost it." Hope continued.

Lizzie stood up. "The only thing that we lost was a week of quality family time." Lizzie stared at Hope. "Dad had to cancel the trip to deal with the damage. So mission accomplished." Lizzie argued.

Josie cut in. "You guys are just talking about ancient history. Ow!" Josie slapped at her arm and you all looked at her. "Something stung me." Josie said, rolling up her sleeve, you got up to get a better look.


When you all looked at Josies bite, all your faces were disgusted. "Ew!" Hope said while Lizzie gasped.

"Gross." Was all Lizzie said.

You looked up at Josie. "That's so gross and weird..." You mumbled.

You all looked up as you heard buzzing and a swarm of flies or something. "This is plague-y, right? It seems plague-y." Hope said, there was screaming all around and people running past you guys.

You nodded. "It's plague-y." You responded as you all looked around.

Once Hope grabbed your hand, you all sprinted inside the nearest store to find safety. Once inside, everyone sighed as they observed the fly-like creatures waiting at the door to enter.

After a while, the fly-like things dropped to the floor and you all exited the building, the crunching sound of the dead flies making a shiver run down your spine as it was disgusting. "We need to find your dad." Hope said as you all walked away from the building. Hope then turned right, you and Josie following. "This way." She said.

Lizzie stayed put. "Does this way take us past the fire station?" Lizzie then started walking and following us.

"Oh my god. We barely just survived a biblical plague." You turned your head to look at Lizzie as Hope said that. "For the last time, I didn't start the fire, ad I've never ruined a spring break." Hope replied.

Josie turned back to look at Lizzie before turning back to see where she was going. "Yeah, Lizzie, now's not the time." Josie said, being on Hopes side.

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