2:6 That's Nothing I Had To Remember

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That's Nothing I Had To Remember
Part 3

That's Nothing I Had To RememberPart 3————

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"That's a problem, 'cause she's been dead for, like, 500 years." MG responded.

Just then the Croatian broke through the door more but where Landon was and punched him in the stomach, causing him to be shoved to the ground. "We're about to die." Lizzie exclaimed, scared. "Figure something out." She stated before smashing the telephone down and hanging the call up.

Lizzie then looked down at Landon and lifted him up, the two started running but the Croatoan kicked down the door, causing the two to cover their heads to nothing happened and so they couldn't get knocked unconscious.

They continued running, Landon grabbing the candle that didn't do anything to protect them but still grabbed it. The Croatoan still following them, snarling and making whistle noises.


The Saltzman and Kirby locked themselves in the transitional cellar room, both in extreme distressed. "This monster is hunting secrets, not you, so at least it has some taste, unlike my sister." Lizzie stated.

Landon turned around, still holding the candle. "But that's the thing, no matter what Malivore tells the monsters, they always follow their prime directive first. So tell me whatever secret you're keeping, and maybe it'll stop." Landon told Lizzie. Lizzie stayed quiet. "Is it about Kate? It's about Kate, isn't it?" Landon immediately guessed.

Lizzies heart sped up as Landon had guessed right. "I don't know what you're talking about." She lied to Landon and Landon knew she was lying already.

The monster slammed into the door, scaring both of the teens, Landon dropping the dark candle, upon impacting it broke. "Thing was useless anyway." Landon stated and the two started running again to get away.

The ran into a separate part of the cellars, Lizzie coming to a stop. "Well, at least I had an idea." Lizzie stated as they came into the room with the zombie in it. Both of them starring at it.

Landon turned around. "I just had one, too." Landon commented. "Can you make us invisible and break open his cell?" He questioned.

Lizzie looked between the zombie and Landon. "I guess. Why?" She questioned.

Landon lowered his arms from pointing at the cell. "We're gonna do what every great sci-fi franchise does. Kong versus Godzilla, Alien versus Predator." Landon started listing Sci-Fi movies.

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