Harry potter imagine

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Hi I'm Ariana I'm in slytherin I am pretty boring really I have very long brown hair, brown eyes and I have one friend her name is Amy she is in slytherin with me and has long blonde hair and striking blue eyes. I was just getting out of the great hall when I was ambushed by draco and his "gang" my parents loved draco his parents are death eaters so are mine so we grew up together a lot of the time. "So isn't it little Ari where are you off to ?" he asked pansy snorted and said "Probably to cry in the bathroom how many gallons you wanna bet?" my face dropped from my upset mood to just about my baby face Amy says I have an excellent baby face.

"Oh shove off Malfoy you bug." I heard the chosen one sneer coming up behind me as draco scoffed harry put an arm around my shoulders. "Come on Ari lets let these stupid cockroaches alone lets go to potions." Totally shocked I follow him down the halls "Oh my merlin harry you saved me back there!" I cry happily. "It was nothing few more minutes you would have probably turned him into a rodent!" I laughed loudly as we got to potions. I head to my seat which was alone at the back of he class harry returning a smile to me as I open my book to start on the potion I here him ask Mr.slugworth if he could help me as he knew I was having a hard time.

Moving over a bit I watch as he doesn't cut he smashes and crunches things into my kettle. "Ari come here!" harry squealed almost dropping the knife I swoop in grabbing it. "Hey why don't you start cutting the knotgrass? I have to go and grab my book." I look at the knotgrass How the merlin am I suppose to cut that? He returns "You haven't cut up anything." he states "Well you haven't shown me." I say a little to snobby. "Well why didn't you say so he got behind me and held my hand as I cut. "No here." he said as my hand trembled and his big hands covered mine as if I felt to stares I pay no attention but to how he was cutting.

"So I cut here ?" I ask pointing he looked down at me and smiled "Yep, right there." I heard a laugh and my head shot to the sound "Ron !" I saw Hermione come and slap his neck whispering in his ear. "They are so in love it's funny!" I giggle cutting the knotgrass. "Ew! look Ariana is laughing!" draco hissed I send I send him a glare as I see sparks fly across the room and draco starts purring like a cat.

"OH dear !" Mr. slugworth sighed as draco fell to the ground leaving his clothes and had turned into a cat. I giggle and see Neville himself holding his wand behind his back. And just then seamus's potion blew up in his face. "Boosh!" I point at him and giggle to harry who laugh "Seamus you clumsy arse!" I smirk at his words and continue with my mixing." I will take Mr. Malfoy to the hospital wing class dismissed." I smile and wick my wand so that all my supplies go to the right places and I wick harry's away too.

"Well that was nice Neville ." harry laughed patting his back as he walked out with me. "Well I think I have sometime before practice I think i'll head to the library would you like to join me?" I asked unease knowingly he had his own friends. "I'd love to." I blush slightly and we walk to the library.

~Half an hour later~

"You're cute when you concentrate " harry whispered "I hit him with my book lightly and I continue to read. "Boo!" he whispered pouting I roll my eyes "Don't you have a world to save?" he shrugged "What if you're my world ?" I roll my eyes "Merlin! harry you're so cheesy just go bug Ron!" he sighed laying his head on the desk "I noticed you." I raise my eyebrow "what?" he giggled resting his head on his chin. "Frist year when you were on the train you sat with Luna." I smile "Still friends.. I think?" he smiled "I noticed you in the great hall and In lessons even at the yule ball with Amy, you had no date - where is this going potter!?" I cut in as he was acting like a huge stalker.

"Oh I was just saying how much I've liked you." he smiled I shrink my face "Rubbish !" I gasp standing up gathering my books. "Ariana i'm serious about this I like you!" I shake my head looking to the windows of the library. Then to the doors "Bye harry see you tomorrow in potions." I wave running down to the dungeons. "ARI !" harry shouted after me taking the turns I get to the door.

"PUREBLOOD!" I squealed running in and up to my girls dorm. sighing I change into my quittich uniform. I open the window to the tower and jump out. I go falling on to my broom which I stationed just for this purpose. flying around Hogwarts I am met with another broomsman. "Harry what are you doing!" he rolled his eyes"Flying my broom what does it look like ?" I shrug and fly the opposite way he's going. Getting to the field Draco was on the side lines and they await me there keeper. "what's going on?" I asked our captain. He sighed "Draco can't play he's been coughing up hair balls since this morning we need -And you want me to trade him places so he doesn't mess up our game with ravenclaw?" he nods I roll my eyes punching him "You own me a butterbeer."

Minutes later the stands filled and I saw Amy and Luna talking about who knows what I saw Neville and dean along with Ron and Hermione. No since of harry but I need to focus right now. I hear the bell go off and it was game time. I watched the snitch along with a boy from ravenclaw. I saw it by my ear but the keeper was giving him enough crap not to notice. I fly after it my guys making goal after goal. Finally it gets too dark to see so I push my broom to its limits and jump for the snitch. "Ariana Denver has aught the gold snitch Slytherin wins!" I look to the stands to see Luna and Amy clapping I sigh "this will not blow over well." I thought to myself as I am high fived and cheered on by my team and those in the stands. I give the snitch to Malfoy and fly back to my dorm seeing an owl out of the corner of my eye. It was Hedwig harry's owl holding a letter with Ari on it.

I pull it from her mouth and pet her head flying into my room changing into my uniform walking down to the great hall the note still tucked away in my robes I walk in as Dumbledore finishes praising slytherins great game against ravenclaw. and what not so I sit down and the food comes to life I grab what I can and I get to my plate being a tower I hear pansy "Cow.." I send her a glare and throw my potatoes at her. "Oops it slipped." I giggle watching pansy storm out of the great hall and her friends not far behind her I giggle beginning to eat. I then was flown a paper air plane. I catch it and its from harry.

Sorry for being so obsessive .. Meet me at hagrids. Harry x

So that's what I did and we stayed out all night just talking to one another ... Even if he was obsessive.

Hey so how did you like it? Obsessive harry? Yes no? Comment plz


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