Shipping it

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High pitch angel voices  as I begin writing.

Gianna's pov

So the twins have always been my best friends even though I am younger than them. Each of the twins got a little something of information.

George : Knows I like Fred. Knows all the little things that I like.

Fred: Knows what I like to do and things I verbally like.

This time of year woods was always up on the twins to practice so I barely had time with them. The big match was later today so Oliver had the whole team eating tons and jogging in between classes. and sleeping for an hour before the game. I wish them luck and head to the stands and stand with Hermione and Ron.

They start flying out and I cheer them on loud and proud it was getting really close they were tied. 150 to 150. Fred was zooming pasted and the slytherin's beater the the bludger towards Fred and knocked fred out they kept playing George worrying. As Fred didn't move ma'am pomfrey rushes him to the hospital wing I push myself through the crowd. I run to the hospital wing and sure enough there he was Ma'am pomfrey held up his shirt showing his stomach and a huge bruise the size of ron's head.

She puts some cream on it and rolled his shirt down. I get a look from her and she shakes her head. "Mr. Weasley is in a possible coma it will take a test to be sure. " then she scurries into her office. I pull up a chair and hold his hand.

"Damn it Weasley. You never recover from this I won't get to see your eyes or your smile. Weasley I don't think you can hear me if not what the hell I guess you deserve to know whether or not your conscious. Fred I love you and I love your eyes the way they sparkle when you laugh the way your lip curls when you smile and the way you hug me I'm clumsy and I run into the third hall way wall right before Defense against the dark arts.   " I pause and squeeze his hand " only if you knew." I pull at my hand and let go of his hand before I stand up.

He grabs my hand and jerks me towards him I fall on top of him and he kisses me deeply. I kiss back then I remember he got hit with the bludger. "Merlin ! Fred your stomach" I roll off of him and sit in the chair.

" Well that only took three years," He smirked with a chuckle.


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