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I was walking with some friends of mine to the common room.

"Will he ever get a clue?" Haylie laughed

"I don't think so " I manage

"Don't be so down think positive." Gianna huffed "You guys would be like power couple goals." The both nod and keep walking.

"He won't guys Cho will end up with him, I mean she has him wrapped around her finger because of Cedric if he didn't die then she would be fine." I sigh and walk up to the fat lady.

"You shouldn't go in there right now Y/n " the fat lady whispered

"Well I need my books for my next class after lunch so I kinda half to. " She opened and then you hear harry.

"Well yeah, I mean Cho is amazing, but Ron there has to be away for-" He cut himself off when we walked in I just put my head down so my hair covered my face and walked towards the girls stairs. Haylie and Gianna following I get to our door and I lift up my head,

"He is going to ask he out guys, It's pointless anymore." I huff and grab my potions books.

"No we don't know what he was going to say Y/N! " I shrug and walk down the stairs.

"Hey Y/N I was wondering.." harry started as I walked into the common room. I look up hope in my heart.

"If you'd watch Hedwig tonight I have dentention. " I bite my lip and nod.

"Sure." I fast walk to potions and skip lunch to get it done. I finish earlier than I thought then I walk out to see Harry and Cho together. Later we all head to Dumbleore's army meeting and We duel harry coaches me briefly then goes to help cho.

I leave but forget my jacket and head back after everyone had left I walk in to grab it when Cho had her hands on Harry's cheeks ready to kiss him. I grab my jacket and leave with tears in my eyes, Fully aware of the trouble I am causing myself.  Haylie was in the common room balancing four books on her head when I arrived. Gianna dropped the fifth and ran to me and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" Gianna whispered

"Oh hey Y/n just who I wanted to see- You jerk ! I can't believe I ever liked you all you do is ignore me and when you do talk to me it's about babysitting your owl! Harry Freaking potter The boy who hurts girls' feelings.!" I interrupt.

I through my books on the ground and Harry walked towards me.

"Y/n I pushed her away, I didn't even know you liked me until now this makes it easier, " He pulls me closer.

"Y/n I love you too."

Not so much as a jealous imagine but I guess.

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