Verde Lights

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Akira's pov

I was getting ready for the ball when I realize I was running late I was to meet Cedric my bet friend we have been friends for as long as I can remember. I finish putting on my shoe and walk out of the room to see Cedric smiling widely.

"You look beautiful as ever akira." I blush and look down, he grabs my hand and gives it a kiss. We then walk towards the Great hall it all happening so quickly.

We do the walk through me clinging to Cedric's arm. We get to the dance floor and we begin to dance. One foot at a time I told myself as the steps were hard to get down. Cedric was taking the lead and spun me around. I giggle as we had never practiced together.

"You look dashing as always." He smiled whispering in my ear. I shake my head, mainly because I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"It's true."

The first song ended and a slow song came on we swayed to the beat of the music as if we'd been in a ocean floating with all the waves. The rest of the night ended in compliments.

Cedric's pov

I figured if I showered her in more compliments she'd realize I love her, but they weren't working so dancing all night I finally got the band to play a slow song at the end of the dance.

"This magic dance." I whisper in Akira's ear. As we swayed effortlessly in the small crowd.

"Cedric." she murmured into my chest.

"hmm?" I hum continuing to sway with her. Wishing this could never end.

"I'm confused really." she sighed. I lean back to look at her.

"Why are you confused Akira?" I ask genuinely confused about the question.

"do you like me?" she asked I stopped our sway what if she doesn't like me?" I bite my lower lip.  

"I do, the real question is do you?" I look at her with hopeful eyes. waiting for her to tell me.

"Yes. " Is all she said I look over at the twins and give them a thumbs up as I asked them to make the lights dim  down.  start to sway with her in my arms.

I guess that means it's a yes.

"So I guess we are dating now." I smile into her hair she gasps and I take that to kiss her I hear fireworks no I feel them my lip tingle as she melts into me.

HEY guys so sorry I've been gone the passed like Two months hope you can forgive me by me making it up with imagines and sorry for all grammar mistakes in any of my imagines I know people hate that so sorry if you find any! and sorry Akira if this is too short !

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