Random.... comment for part 2?

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Hey guys so this is a random one I thought of at dinner and I'm extremely sorry that my computer still isn't fixed! that's what I get for leaving it on for two months straight. Anyway I thought what if Ron was gay? I know that he's not but in the third harry potter the map shows him sleeping with wormtail So what if Fred and George did say something to him about it? So I'm sorry again for my last two requests I wrote them down and they were so detailed I don't want to mess it up and write something off what I remember soo here's my imagine and i'm going to be using Y/N for the boys name meaning that if you wanted you could change it to a girls point of view? comment and I"ll do something like this imagine!


I was sleeping with y/n again he had another nightmare about his mother beating him. HE was still shaking. I rub his back "It's alright y/n she can't get you now." he looked up from my chest. A warm breeze blew threw my room the sun was to be rising soon and y/n knows we can't be seen cuddling when Fred and George come to wake up them up. y/n was staying with the weasley since his mum was a muggle murder and killed them with magic she was killed by a dementor. Yet y/n still has nightmares of her blasting spells at him and some unforgivable. Ron rubbed y/n's shoulder "We need to get up and get a fresh start on degnoming the garden." Y/n sighed all he wanted to do was lay in bed and cuddle all day but he knew that would be too good to be true. (Sorry that went kinda third person) I stood up and Pulled a shirt over my head slipping into some jeans "RON !! Y/N !! " i heard the twins yell from the steps. " I roll my eyes "We'll be down soon!" I shout y/n giggles kissing my cheek making me blush "Today is the day we go back to Hogwarts degnoming the garden we had to do that yesterday " y/n whispered grabbing his trunk. I was shocked today? I ran arouns gayhering my things mushing them into my trunk. We run late to the train I haven't heard from harry all summer Hermione didn't send her nagging letters reminded me to study.

Y/N and I sat together on the train holding hands with the blind down a knock stopped me from giving a smiling y/n a kiss.

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