Sirius for kayla

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Kayla's pov

It started off like any other day I wiped the goobers from my eyes I brushed my long black hair before putting myowl whimsy in his cage. I sat on my bed in my robes until breakfast in the great hall. Listening to the other slytherins complain about how James Potter and Remus lupin were looking up there skirts durning herbology. I just rolled my eyes and studied for the potions test. Once I heard the girls leave I snuck out trying not to run into anyone. I hated being a Slytherin yet it was in my blood being a Lois was not what most would say an honour it was a nightmare! No matter how much I try to be different its always the fact that I'm a Slytherin.Which don't get me wrong has perks like the potions master? I get all good grades cause he had a thing for my grandmother.

I walk into the great hall in the middle of the daily speech. He stopped talking and everyone stared. "Ah miss Lois glad you could join us" I heard him say before I ran over to the spot at the Slytherin table my seat was at the end I always was there no one liked me so I sat there I mean I'm taunted but I pay no attention until I hear "schools been canceled teacher meet in my office directly after breakfast. I sigh and eat as much as I could until lily Evans and her friend came over and sat with me? I don't even think that this is allowed I look to the headmaster who smiles and nods for me to talk with them. " hi ! I'm lily! " I give a warm smile "Hi I'm Kayla ! " we talked until the end of breakfast and she asked if I wanted to go to the Quidditch feild to watch the boys practice I agree and ignore the odd looks.

The whole way I was cracking jokes and lily was firing them back making is laughso hard we snort. Her friend had some extra homework and took off but once we got to the field there was barely another one there wesaw hagrid and then the boys came it was close to winter so we found a blanket under the stairs. We huddled under it until they were done around lunch time. Lily offered me to sit with her but I declined and sat at with my house.

I then sat in my room and read on the future. Around dinner when I went let whimys out another owl flew into the room. It had a note in its claw in fancy letters Kayla I take it from the bird and let its head opening it.

Kayla please sit with us at supper! We honestly think you'll have more fun
Sarah talked with headmaster and he doesn't mind honest to merlin so please we'll save you a seat
Love, Lily , Sarah ,Ellie

(I made up the two girls they don't really have meaning I just wrote down the names ok )

I sigh and send off lily's owl and head to the great Hall. I saw lily ,sarah and Ellie all wave at me. I look down and walk to the middle of them lily sat to my right and Ellie sat to my left Sarah was next to lily. Right after headmaster said school will resume tomorrow food was severed and I was full making witty jokes trying not to stare at Sirius black and the marauders as they mock my jokes I give lily a hug and make my way to the courtyard. I was sitting on a bench when a snow ball hit back of my head "nice one Peter !" I heard James laugh " another for the snobby slyerthin?" Giggles ( I don't honestly like chuckles so giggle) Remus throwing a snowball at my lower back. I got up and started walking to the dungeons but I barely made it inside.

"Hey Lois ? Where ya going?" Asked Peter , then I walk faster but they jog to keep up with me " Lois come on where you going?" Asked Remus before James jogged infront of me " probably the dungeons to tell all the other snobs dirty things about us " I heard a slapping sound from behind me and I see Sirius glaring at James . " fuck off mate " ( sorry for swearing ) james laughed a pushed Sirius " come on padfoot , you can't be all there she's a damn Slytherin like shes going to do anything about it" I back away as Sirius puffed up his chest "she wont but I will James this bullshit has go stop !" James laughs and Sirius just Punches him in the face running to me and dragging me to the astronomy tower. Once we get up there its nearly dark and we have our wands lite. Sirius turns out his light and takes my wand and pulling me go the edge of the tower and I looked it to sky "amazing" I giggle. Sirius smiles and kisses my cheek " I've seen better " I roll my eyes " nice pick up line where did you get it Potters R us? ( lol I know the time period just roll with it !) Sirius looked in my eyes " you have beautiful eyes Kayla dont strain them" I blushed deeply if it wasn't for the darkness he would have seen " I know your blushing." I look down and he lifts my chin " hogsmeade on Saturday you and me?"I blush and squeal *in my head * it took me a moment then I look at him and smile " I'd love that "

*he walked you to the dungeons *

"See you tomorrow?" I asked he smirked " well of course good night beautiful " I giggle and hug him good by going straight to the showers and then heading to bed with a smile on my face.


Here Kayla
I hope you liked it !! Sorry if anything is spelled wrong ! Or if it was the opposite of what you were hoping for. I apologize for anything Thats spelled wrong or if I could have put better detail in !
Love Haylie

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