Katie's odd day

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Katie's pov

I was reading in the Ravenclaw common room when my pet owl flew in with a not in her beak.

"Hello Pheonixa, what do you have there? " she dropped it and I picked it up

"Hello Katie,

I'm sorry to inform you that I love you and you will never see me again try and find me if you can but I'm afraid this is the last hoorah before the dark lord comes to kill me my dearest Katie leave the castle get out of there ad fast as you can if I live you have live with me. I would miss your Long brown and dark brown eyes too much. I Know Ginny says things but I truly love you and only you. For this is not the end my love hide please my dearest.

Love, Harry "

I frown I never dated harry.. strange

An hour later another owl came with the same letter all but it was from Neville who likes Luna.

It's now supper time and I've had twelve letters sent all almost the same... How odd

( hey sorry if you didn't like it you didn't give me much to work with. )

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