Fire and Ice

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Annabelle's pov

It's been long since Aunt Molly has mailed me personally but that's fine, so I drag the twins out of the great hall and to the lake where we Ice skate.

Skating for hours I laugh at them trying to one up me on ever spin or twirl. So far I want to win this battle so I take a leap.

I flash in and out of black as I close my eyes I see the ice coming closer to my feet so I slant my feet breaking the ice and falling in.

I am surrounded by water my lungs instantly burn I feel like I am being pulled down.

I soon see all black.

George's pov

I felt frozen in my spot I skate as fast as I can to dive into the hole in the ice grabbing Anna by the hand slipping only to have to try to grab her short black hair for grip.

Sorry Anna but this is life or death.

I see Fred's arm so I grab it and he pulls me closer to the surface. We flop on the ice and  I drag Anna along trying to get off the ice Fred trying his best. We get off the edge of the ice and waist no time ripping off our skates and grabbing Anna be-lining it for the Hospital wing.

Anna's pov

I wake up in a huge warm bed, A hand on my arm making that spot supper warm. So I just smile at the warmth and stir stretching.

"Good Morning!" I grin, feeling a headache come on.

 I open my eyes and see two red headed blurbs, the twins.

"Oh my Merlin, ANNA!" they shout together, I smile and sit up rubbing my head.

"George, you look like you've gone purple!" He smiles weakly. "And You're wet!" I gasp "Oh no you saved me ! " I pull him in and hug him.

Ma'am pomfrey lets me go and I head straight to the fire in the common room feeling safe and cozy I fall asleep.

George's pov

Anna fell asleep in the common room so I take her to her dorm Hermione held open the door. I walk out felling that she is safe.

I fall sleep no later than I hit the pillow.


"Watch and learn boys!" Anna shouted in a laugh, she sprung and slide under the ice I stayed froze not moving I watch as Fred looks and can't find her. I get out a tear, I didn't even get to say I love her.

I fall to the ice and start to sob I see her face under the ice as she floated. I see her boy being dragged to the depths and I start to feel as if I'm burning...

I jump up and tiptoe into the girls dorm only to find Anna nowhere. SO I panic.

I pull out the map in the hall and use it there.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good. "

the map slowly opens and I search for her.

She's no where in the castle!


By the lake...

I then rush outside. I walk ride next to her and sit down.

"W-what are you doing out here?" I gulp as we were right next to the lake.

"I had to clear my head a bit." I nod and keep scooting closer to Anna.

"Anna..I um had a nightmare, I just... could you ?" She smiled and past her lap as I rest my head staring up at the night sky.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I sigh and she starts playing with my hair.

"Anna do you remember when Dumbledore dropped you off at our home?" I ask randomly, she nods.

"Of course."

"Well years later our second year do you remember when you asked me to dance in the courtyard for no reason?" she giggled running her hands through my hair it feels like heaven.

"What are you getting at Weasley." she sighed

I grab her hand slipping into mine.

"Anna then I was scared to lose you and this lake only made it worse you almost died." I whisper looking into her brilliant bright green eyes.

"Scared of losing me?" she mumbled.

"Yes, in my nightmare you never made it back out and you were dragged to the depths with the merepeople. You died before my eyes. " I gulp ad push back my tears.

"I don't think I understand." She sighed I was caught off guard she normally understands me always.

"Anna " I start sitting up staring right at her.

"Anna, I love you and I have always." she covered her mouth.

"George.." she lets a tear shed. "I've always loved you too." she began to sob and I pull her closer and I kiss her cheek.

"Always...How..cute...50 points from Gryffindor." Says snape walking up to us.

Dumbledore's pov

"Oo! Minerva owes me so much for betting on Fred! " I squeal

"I heard that! What did I miss!?" she yelled

"Only 250 points to Gryffindor!"  

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