Lexy Potter the girl who stuck up for Malfoy

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Hi! I'm Lexy I am fairly tall 5'6 and I have black hair that looks brown in the sun

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Hi! I'm Lexy I am fairly tall 5'6 and I have black hair that looks brown in the sun. Odd right? My cousin harry (Potter ) says that it's rare any who. I was leaving Y/H when I heard a roar in the courtyard, honestly I ran towards the noise not smart although I stick of for everyone there are certain people who don't like me sticking up for them , Like pansy Parkison . She hit me with a slug spell, Nasty it was I was in the hospital wing for weeks.

I finally made it to the courtyard and saw the crowd beating up on Draco he was always nice to me more than others he helped me my first year here at Hogwarts while I was lost in the dudgeons, in second year while my friend Mary was in the hospital petrified he comforted me . . . when everybody else left of course. I push my way threw thinking of all the times he has helped me through out the years and I got to him and dewanded the boys and girls surrounding him.

"Back off!" I shouted clutching my wand at them they all backed off and them I heard seams finnigan yell

"Why should we it's not like he's done any service to us!"

I roll my eyes mentally "Does it matter? He is a wizard just like all of you! he puts his robes on one arm at a time he might not have been nice to you but hurting him and possibly killing him doesn't make it better!" I shout angered by all the hatred.

"Oh yeah ! What's he done to you Potter! I bet you see each other secretly yeah! I see you on the grounds late at night, I wonder how Harry would feel if he knew you were contemplating with the enemy !" yelled Dean

I frowned glaring "oh have you know those occasions happened when I was hurt thank you he came to me when harry was missing if you haven't noticed he killed a basilk and found the man who ratted out his parents to lord Voldemort That is a pretty big thing Dean!" he cowards down and I turn to draco then back to the crowd

" Get out of here all of you!" I snarl and pull draco towards the black lake where I began to heal his broken arm.

"Thank you for doing that Lexy you didn't have to I mean I almost kill your cousin everyday and You just stood up for me when you didn't need too. " he smiled and took my hand in his good one and chuckled "An sorry for cheering on the dragon in the first task. . ." I giggle and sigh looking out at the sunset.

Draco's pov

I held onto lexy's hand while she fell asleep staring out at the sky I look down and see that she was snoring she looks so cute when she snores. I sat there using her wand to start up a small fire. I just watched her sleep she might kick herself tomorrow when harry finds out but I don't care after all these years I think i'm in love with her. I just love her hair her brown eyes with the flakes of navy blue they shimmer when she's angry I love her skin her smile her everything I want t make her mine.

She stirred awake and cuddled closer to me not fully awake so I kissed her hair and whispered "I love you Lexy potter"

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