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Ellie's Pov

I was walking down the corridor, when I stop at the courtyard to see Harry Potter my boyfriend of two years. I ran toward him and hugged him. My Hair flew over his head like a privacy tent.  Then he spun me around.

"How-day stranger ." I giggle in a fake southern drawl, he kisses my cheek and sighs in joy I haven't seen him in forever I hadn't seen him on the train or in the great hall for dinner or even in the tower.

"I've missed you." He whispered into my ear.

"Tell me something I don't know potter." I blow him a kiss and run and hide behind Ron and Hermione.

"Well, well Weasley took you long enough," I laugh aloud as they scoot apart.  Harry chuckled and sat down next to me.

"It's Friday." Hermione stated bluntly

"Oo Friday we get to head to Hahrids tonight right?" Ron asked looking at Hermione. She shook her head and wrote in her notebook.

I push Harry over and we laugh contiguously. I sit up and look at the sky, Its a hazy green color. I don't pay much attention to harry but stare up at the sky and watch the clouds. Harry kissed my temple.

"How's Hedwig?" I whisper knowing she had flew into a wall.

"Much better she can fly now." He smiles and helps me stand up.

"Ellie-Bear theres something I need to ask you." I smirk

"It's not about your laundry is it cause I haven't stole anything.  "  he rolled his eyes.

"No not that-wait  you have don't lie." I giggle and look at the ground.

"Fine a sweatshirt and a t shirt." he laughed and put his hands in his pockets.

"My question is you want to race we haven't in so long besides we got interrupted last time. " I nod punching his shoulder

"Your on Potter."

"If I win I get a kiss." he counters

"If I win you have to run around the tower In your underwear."

"Oh no you didn't" he laughed

It was twelve laps Ellie was in the lead she was one lap ahead of Harry but harry kicked up the juice and flew ahead and managed to catch up to her they were in the same lap when it started to rain pouring rain and hale. Forcing them to stop.

"I had you Ellie!" Harry laughed and then were in the qudditch room.

"Did not I was way ahead Potter!" he shook his head and that was that he grabbed my hips and kissed me like merlin it was bloody good.

"I won." he murmured before kissing me again. I pull away ,

" It was a tie Potter " I sneer, he pouts

"Does the whole tower include- The whole tower rooms and all but I'll gather everyone in the common room just for you." I interrupt and peck his nose.

"You're evil." He snarled as we run up to the castle.

"Oh honey i'm the evilest." I giggle.

" Hey mate what's wrong ?" asked dean

"Lost a bet, see you in the tower." I giggle and skip happily next to him. "I truly hate you "

"No, you don't you truly are madly in love with me." I giggle as we walk into the Tower.

"Your eyes a as blue as the ocean." he whispered into my ear in the door way.

"And what?" I ask laughing

"Their only like that when the meet mine." He murmured and kissed me, I kiss back.

"You still are running through here in your under garments. " I giggle.

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