Not my first choice

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Ronald Weasley Imagine

Warnings : May trigger stuff maybe?

Y/n's pov

I was sitting in my room It's the night before I head off to Hogwarts my mom is yelling at my father down stairs how he is always late for dinner and the food is always cold for him and if the minister doesn't like it's workers to get home to their families he can quit. Then you hear giggling of my siblings they get yelled at too, So I stay where I am no letters all summer no smiling faces of my friends no magic. I play my Catholic punk rock in my ear buds, blaring out the noise keeping me from crying Is my owl. I sit knees to my chest until dark is the black of the black of night. I pull out my ear buds and I can finally breath. I let a tear roll down my cheek as I slowly pull out my trunk letting myself fully cry. Tears land on my trunk as I break down and look out at the night sky the stars are bright and the moon is full.

I gulp down my tears and search my trunk making sure everything is still there. I finally confirm I have everything I reach over and grab all my batteries and stuff them in a box along with my phone and ear buds I take everything neatly putting them in my trunk. I let my owl fly around my room until I hear a groan from outside my room I sigh and open the window to let in fresh air. I open it and exhale deeply for my chest feels heavy my head feels light and my breath is caught in the cold crisp breeze floating around like a fog. I in hale the sweet smell of the lake scent. I close my eyes and imagine what Hogwarts will look like this year something new is always around you just have to look hard enough.

I open my eyes to the sound of my door opening and a huff, " Y/N Y/M/N  Y/L/N " my mom shouted scaring my owl. "Y/N THERE IS A RED HEAD IN THE LIVING ROOM ASKING WHERE YOU ARE YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" I sigh and make  a face red head?

I push passed her and down into the living room, To see Ronald Weasley standing with his father and two brothers fred and George. "Well i'll be Ron !" Laughed fred

"Shut it !" I smile and run and hug him for no reason.

"Ah! you must be Mrs. Y/L/N " his father held out his hand and my mother pulled her hands away from him and backed away.

"Y/N who are these people in our living room?" she spat I sigh into ron who holds me closer his long hair tickling my nose.

"I want an answer does anyone even listen to me in this house ! Who was the one who even let you go to that freak show ? It wasn't me that's for damn sure Y/N you get away from that boy right now ! Get up to your room this instant you are not leaving this house ever again!" she screamed waking everyone else up in the house my siblings walk down and instantly run to fred and george. Father walks down the steps and smiles widely.

"Arthur! buddy ol' pal how have you been?"  he shook ron's fathers hand and took a step back.

"I see you have gotten my letter of us coming Y/D/N (Your dad's name) " my dad nodded and smiled at me who was hiding in rons shoulder.

"AH boys I see to you go get Y/n's things?" the twins race upstairs and grab my things. Arthur bounces on his feet and smiles at ron and I before my mom speaks up.

"Why was I not notified y/d/n" my dad just smiled

"Young love y/m/n/" I look up at ron who was blushing

My mom starts ranting about how I am too young to understand and then fred and geroge come down the stairs with my trunk and my pillow on top.  I shead a tear hering my mom's harsh words about the floppy red haired boy. I hug my siblings goodbye and kiss my fathers cheek ignoring my mother, We flash away in the fireplace.

Comment for a part two.  

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