Prankster's love

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I will admit the end brought me to tears writing it, sorry and your name is the

Laken's pov

I was walking down the hall when I see my favorite pranksters Fred and George. I give them a wave but George turns away. I frown and walk close and hear ginny's voice.

"Oh come oh you nit-wit! she likes you just ask !" Instantly my confidence drops is it me is it someone else?

I walk quickly to my next class.

That class is quickly over due to Umbridge's grumpy mood. I pass the corridor that I usually go down to avoid George in case he's going to tell of his new lover. I was wrong though he wasn't down the corridor or the next I walk to the tower and hear his voice and Harry's and Ron's then a growl from Hermione.

"How am I suppose to tell her when she's avoiding me !" hissed George.

Hermione laughed, "It's obvious isn't it? She liked you too why else would she?" Interjected Ron

"Or she is scared of commitment." Added Hermione  

"Not Laken, not her." murmured George

It's me

The conversation drags on until the supper bells and George walks on his own down my normal corridor, he stopped to sit on the bench to tie his shoes. HE stood up and walked on then stopped in the middle of the hall way when the slytherins' passed by I snuck up behind him and hugged him whispering into his back.

"I like you too."

he spun around and hugged me, We then skipped Supper and hid in the astronomy tower talking until it was so late that our wands had to light the way back to the dorms. I stayed in Gryffindor's tower with George he told me about how him and Fred want to start a joke shop. I thought that was the coolest thing ever!

We talked about everything it was wonderful the next day was the test they planned to bomb it and I thought it was a great Idea that would crush UMbridge.

He kissed me..


The next day I helped with getting him all suited up it was perfect.  Just like him.

George's pov

I saw her in the wand lite night her brown eyes looked bigger her ombre' hair looked almost flawless in the darkness she looked at me the way Ronald looks at ..Food. She smiled more than I had seen her in ages the way she laughed the way she supports me . The way she kisses me.

She wants to help with he joke shop I can't believe it ! wait til' Fred and  I get out of here and we get the joke shop fully up and running / Full time I mean mother has been cracking down on us since she clams he war in coming into full swig.

Fred and I would love the help around the shop. Specially during holiday's I can see it now Laken, me and Fred all when we are old telling our great grand kids about the pranks we pulled at Hogwarts and then The headmaster sending a letter to our kids asking who the grandparents are because they pulled one of our old pranks.

That's it i'm going to marry this girl, Fred should get marred too that's I'm hooking him up with someone and we are all getting married and starting a family business.

I over did it didn't I?

I stare down at laken peacefully asleep in my arms as she softly snores into my chest.  I'll just wait until We know the wars going to be over for sure and then I'll start actually getting stuff down on paper.

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